Life Spirituality

At the End of Ourselves…

Most people do not accomplish everything they are capable of doing because they have not come to the end of themselves and the beginning of their God-ordained destiny.

Life Spirituality

Who are blessed?

I’ve often heard people saying “I’m truly blessed”, or “God blessed me.”

Does that mean other people weren’t blessed? 

If God causes the sun to shine both on the good and the bad, will He withhold His blessings to some and give it only to a few?

Who are we to say that some people are less fortunate than us?

I believe that God pours His blessings upon us all… always.

And maybe, when we say that we are blessed, it is only like saying we have finally found the faith to receive what God is giving us.  Finally, we have recognized God’s goodness, and for that, we say that we are blessed! 

Healing Life Spirituality

The Power of Surrender

Surrender is a mighty powerful word.

Sometimes we wonder why God had to wait until we’re tired and worn out, until we’ve finally given up before He gives us what we want.

And the answer is that we have made Him wait that long before we allowed Him to carry on His work and give us what it is we’ve been praying for.

Let us repent therefore.

Repent as in the word “metanoia” which means “a change of mind”.

From doing things our own way, let us trust and cooperate with the Spirit
so we may live the full life Jesus has promised us all!

Life Spirituality

The One Who Pursues Us

It is God who pursues us

who uplifts us

and protects us

and provides for everything we need

It is God who loved us first

who showers us with every good thing

we do not even know

All that is required of us

is the faith to believe

that He is there

that He is our Greatest Lover

the source of all that’s wonderful

there is in our lives

It is our part to be able to receive

such a love

to rejoice

because we have been called

because we have been found

because we learn

that despite the mundaneness of what we see

we are special

we are cherrised

we are in truth

God’s beloved ones.

Life Spirituality

How do you know if a thing is good for you?

One can test whether a thing is good or not in this way:
If it causes you to lose interest in life
and thereby wish to cease in existence,
such a thing is not good for you.
If it gives you interest and enthusiasm,
if it ignites in you the desire
to live your life as you have never lived before,
such thing is good.
Be not deceived however,
for there are things
we cling on to
not so much as to live life
but to have a means of escape from it,
to make us forget
how dead we really are within.