garden of eden

What’s Wrong with the Forbidden Fruit of Eden?


Why did God forbid us to eat the fruit of knowledge? If it is indeed the knowledge of good and evil, why is the knowledge of good forbidden as well?


Knowledge is not bad per se. But knowledge that is apart from God, that is the source of all the evils and suffering we experience today.


We have been tempted from the very beginning. We have been offered enlightenment in exchange for love, and we took it. We didn’t know that enlightenment without love is darkness. We didn’t know that knowledge apart from God is foolishness. We didn’t know.


That is why our fall had been delayed. And that is why forgiveness had been available to men and not to angels. We have been given time. And we have been given the Ultimate Saving Sacrifice of Love. Shall we take it? Or shall we succumb to the eternal fall of living our own lives in a cold dark alley of knowledge apart from the burning love of God?