There was once a troubled fellow who came to ask the Inspirer for help.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. Please help me,” the troubled fellow asked.
To this the Inspirer responded by writing something in a piece of parchment. After writing for some time, the troubled fellow was finally given the Inspirer’s answers as he received the parchment. To his surprise however, he saw that he merely received a poem.
“What is this? I sought for answers and all you gave me was a poem! I want a step by step guide on what to do. Can’t you see how lost I am?”
After a short pause, the Inspirer answered, ”Had I given you what you asked, you wouldn’t have followed it anyway. You don’t need a manual. Deep within your heart, you know what you should do. There is a little voice there that needs only be awakened. The poem I gave you is not for instructions, but for awakening.”