The Inspirer holds the power of memories deep in her heart. She is never alone because she can always enter her memories and relive each moment as though they were unfolding for the first time. She knows that the magic of one moment is oftentimes so huge it cannot be savored in that moment alone.
The Inspirer also has the power to make a person remember and retrieve her own memories. People often forget. They complain about the fleeting moment’s sorrow and forget about joys they should have treasured for life.
Save happy memories. They are the ones you will keep wherever you may go. Memories go deeper than mere recall. True memories become the person that you are and remain always to be a part of you.

One reply on “The Power of Memories”
I love those words about the power of memories. It is my mission to help families create good memories while taking pictures so that they will be remembered each time the picture is viewed. I think wall art with this type of memory helps shape us and strengthens family bonds.
You expressed so much of what I feel but struggle with putting into words. Thanks for your inspiration and willingness to share such beautiful thoughts!