INQUIRER: Please teach me the “Secret”
VISIONARY: What secret?
INQUIRER: The secret that few men know, that which when
possessed is of the greatest delight.
VISIONARY: I know no secret
INQUIRER: That couldn’t be! How could it be?
You were supposed to know. For how could you,
how could you be so wise, and how could you shine
with such a glorious light if you knew not the secret
I was seeking for?
VISIONARY: I tell you the Truth. That which you seek
is no secret. That which you seek had been proclaimed
from the rooftops and from the mountaintops. It has been
taught from around the world and preached for centuries
that have passed. But the world sought yet the darkness
and the unseen, a secret that they could grasp better than
that which had already been proclaimed. Men were offered
life and wisdom but they chose to be fools; and so they heard,
but didn’t understand, and so they witnessed, but didn’t really see.