Scary experience

I had a rather scary experience today, really shook my nerves and drained my already thin layer of energy that resulted from burnout at work.

Yeah, had been robbed at the very start of the day, my mobile phone which I only had for three months lost in an instant. Worse, to be scared of nearing death almost at gunpoint, well, sort of, not really a gun, but a very long knife-like instrument that would hardly miss my vital organs in a single blow. Whew! Surely wouldn’t risk that. I gave him the phone without qualms, thankful I’m still alive at this moment, able to write this blog and share my experience with you.

And what did I learn in the process?

1. I learned that life can be taken away from you in an instant, that everything could have ended right there, one minute alive, the next one – well, just glad am still alive 🙂

2. I learned that material possessions can be easily lost, robbed, stripped away from you, and it really doesn’t matter how hard you worked for them, or how long you saved to buy them.

3. I learned that sometimes, when good things are taken from you and bad things just happen, it is only so that better things can be on your way. Yes, the telecoms company to which I have subscribed informed me that at this point, I have already earned enough points to qualify me in availing of the FREE and BRAND NEW mobile phones they have! So you see, though I lost an old cellphone, I have gained a new and better one – right away! as though nothing had really been taken away from me.

4. I learned that though God sometimes allow such bad things to happen to us, God is still in control. God knew all along no harm would befall upon me, that angels are there protecting me, that though this experience would really scare me, it would teach me a lot of things, and even though I would lose my mobile phone, a new and better replacement is already on its way!

By Jocelyn Soriano

See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.

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2 replies on “Scary experience”

Oh my goodness, that’s frightening. You sound very positive about the whole experience, though, which I think is really admirable. I hope that, heaven forbid, if I were ever in a similar situation, I’d walk away from it with an attitude like yours.

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