Today's Devotional

The Mystery of Jesus’ Identity

Luke 9:7-9 (WEBBE)
“Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by him, and he was perplexed, because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead, and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again. Herod said, “I beheaded John, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” He sought to see him.”


In this passage, we encounter Herod the tetrarch, who is deeply troubled and confused by the reports he hears about Jesus and His works. Herod’s perplexity reflects the broader uncertainty and speculation surrounding Jesus’ identity during His ministry.

Confusion and Curiosity: Herod’s reaction to the reports of Jesus’ miracles and teachings reveals a mix of confusion and curiosity. The various theories circulating about Jesus—ranging from John the Baptist risen from the dead to Elijah or another prophet—demonstrate the prevailing uncertainty about who Jesus truly is. Herod’s personal experience with John the Baptist only adds to his bewilderment. This confusion underscores the dramatic impact of Jesus’ ministry and the diverse responses it provoked.

The Quest for Truth: Herod’s desire to see Jesus reflects a deeper quest for understanding. Despite his position of power, Herod is troubled by the mysteries surrounding Jesus and seeks to find out more. This highlights a fundamental aspect of the human experience—the longing to understand the deeper truths about life and the divine.

Jesus’ True Identity: The speculation about Jesus’ identity, while indicative of His profound impact, also points to the broader truth that the understanding of Jesus’ true nature and mission requires more than just hearing about His deeds. It necessitates a personal encounter and revelation. Jesus’ identity is not to be grasped merely through rumors or second-hand reports but through a personal relationship and revelation from God.

Invitation to Seek Jesus: Herod’s story invites us to reflect on our own response to Jesus. Are we curious like Herod, seeking to understand more about who Jesus is? Are we open to encountering Him personally and discovering the truth of His identity? Jesus calls us to a deeper relationship with Him, where we move beyond speculation and enter into a transformative experience of knowing Him.


Lord Jesus, we thank You for the mystery and wonder of Your identity. Just as Herod sought to understand more about You, help us to pursue a deeper knowledge of who You are. Remove any confusion or uncertainty in our hearts and reveal Yourself to us in a personal and transformative way. May our quest for understanding lead us to a closer relationship with You and a clearer grasp of Your mission and message. Guide us to seek You earnestly and to find the truth of Your identity in our daily lives. In Your name, Amen.


  • Reflect on your own understanding of Jesus. Are there aspects of His identity or mission that you are still seeking to understand more fully?
  • Consider how you approach your quest for spiritual knowledge. Are you seeking Jesus through personal experience and relationship, or are you relying on external reports and speculation?
  • Evaluate your openness to encountering Jesus personally. How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with Him and move beyond mere curiosity to a transformative understanding?

Verse for Meditation:
“Herod said, ‘I beheaded John, but who is this about whom I hear such things?’” (Luke 9:9, WEBBE)

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