Today's Devotional

Understanding Why Jesus Had to Suffer and Die

Luke 9:43-45 (WEBBE)
“They were all amazed at the greatness of God. But while everyone marveled at all the things which Jesus did, he said to his disciples, “Let these words sink into your ears: for the Son of Man will be delivered up into the hands of men.” But they didn’t understand this saying. It was concealed from them, that they should not perceive it. They were afraid to ask him about this saying.”


In this passage, we encounter a moment of profound amazement and confusion. The crowd is in awe of Jesus’ miraculous deeds, but Jesus uses this opportunity to reveal a crucial aspect of His mission: His impending suffering and betrayal.

Marveling at God’s Works: The people are astonished by the greatness of God as demonstrated through Jesus’ miracles. Their amazement reflects the powerful impact of Jesus’ ministry and the divine authority He carries. However, their focus on the miracles highlights a common human tendency to be captivated by visible displays of power rather than understanding the deeper message behind them.

The Revelation of Suffering: Jesus addresses His disciples directly, emphasizing the importance of understanding His upcoming suffering. He instructs them to let His words “sink into their ears,” signaling the need for deep comprehension. Jesus reveals that He will be “delivered up into the hands of men,” a reference to His impending betrayal and suffering. This statement is a critical aspect of His mission but contrasts sharply with the public’s focus on His miraculous works.

Concealed Understanding: Despite Jesus’ clear statement, the disciples do not understand this revelation. The passage notes that this understanding is “concealed from them,” implying that there is a divine purpose in their lack of comprehension. This concealment is part of the larger plan of God and may be intended to prevent premature or incomplete understanding of Jesus’ mission.

Fear and Confusion: The disciples’ fear and reluctance to ask Jesus for further clarification underscore their struggle to grasp the full implications of His words. This response reflects the challenge of reconciling the reality of Jesus’ suffering with their expectations of a triumphant Messiah.

Personal Application: As we reflect on this passage, we are invited to consider our own response to Jesus’ teachings and mission. Are we more focused on the visible and miraculous aspects of Jesus’ work, or are we seeking to understand the deeper, often challenging aspects of His mission? How do we respond to the difficult or mysterious elements of His message?


Lord Jesus, we thank You for revealing the greatness of God through Your works and for speaking truth about Your mission. Help us to understand and embrace the full scope of Your message, including the challenges and suffering You endured. Give us the courage to seek deeper understanding and to confront the mysteries of Your mission with faith and trust. May we not be solely captivated by the miraculous but remain committed to understanding and following Your path, even when it is difficult. Guide us to live in light of Your suffering and to share in Your mission with clarity and purpose. In Your name, Amen.


  • Reflect on your own understanding of Jesus’ mission. Are there aspects of His suffering and sacrifice that you need to grasp more fully?
  • Consider how you approach the challenging or mysterious elements of Jesus’ teachings. Are you willing to seek deeper understanding and confront these with faith?
  • Evaluate your focus in your spiritual life. Are you more captivated by the miraculous or committed to understanding and living out the full message of Jesus?

Verse for Meditation:
“Let these words sink into your ears: for the Son of Man will be delivered up into the hands of men.” (Luke 9:44, WEBBE)

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