I was at the door, sort of mumuring something and in deep concentration. It was a very hot afternoon and my sister kinda suspected I’m up to something weird again. I told her I’m praying for rain, and I invited her to pray for the same. She laughed and said that if she would be praying for something, she’d pray for something else, not for something as hard as that. She said it’s like we’d already be asking for a miracle, for it was indeed very hot, and there was not even a cloud in sight.In my heart though, I thought it wouldn’t really be that impossible. Rain is a very natural phenomena, and it’s been known to rain even in the middle of a hot summer day. It’s not like walking over water or multiplying bread to feed thousands. Rain can come and go anytime, so why can’t it be summoned in prayer? For the record, Jesus even made the storm stop and taught his disciples the meaning of faith. He taught us that we can do things greater than the miracles He did. And if He can command the storm to stop, why can’t we be able to summon a little bit of rain?
I even remember the time when I asked for a single rose and God gave me hundreds of flowers beyond my imagination! Of course some would say that would clearly be a different story. God could have easily led me to those flowers, whereas asking for rain is a very direct and immediate request, summoning something beyond the ability of man to create.
But then again, what have I got to lose? If it doesn’t rain, I get to enjoy my icecream. But if it does, everyone in the neighorhood gets to enjoy the cooler weather and be able to drink their afternoon coffee.
And so I prayed. I closed my eyes and asked for rain. I smiled as though what I’m asking for is there. I imagined the cooler weather we’d all be enjoying. I imagined enjoying my cup of coffee.
I opened my eyes with a smile upon my face and then I looked outside. The sun is shining as hot as ever, no sign of rain for me. But then I know I’m not asking for magic; I’m praying, and praying takes perfect timing to happen.
I sat and relaxed, and tried to enjoy the hot day. A little while more, I looked outside and saw a small sign of hope. There are dark clouds in the east, and if they can only move towards us, it just might rain after all.
I got in the house again and finished some chores. Still hot. After a little while more, I looked again where the dark clouds were. And they’re gone! It was no longer dark in the east. So much for my prayer.
But just then, I realized something. If the clouds I saw were no longer there, then maybe those clouds have moved! And true enough, dark clouds were already overhead, ready to pour down the rain I have prayed for.
Seconds later I felt tiny raindrops falling upon my face. What a happy feeling that had been! It wasn’t a strong rain, only a short trickle. And yet I know in my heart what I have just witnessed. That afternoon, a miracle had come true. I felt its tiny hands blessing my face and refreshing my parched and thirsty heart.

One reply on “How do you call the rain?”
Very nice! Hahaha.
Here’s mine.