Being remembered. Receiving a short note. Being greeted over the phone. Being included in a photo album. Being given a surprise birthday party. It could be anywhere. It could be anything. The smallest things matter, because it is the thought that really counts.
To see that a person has kept a previous letter, or a souvenir from one of your journeys together brings gladness. To know that a word you’ve said has guided a person’s life and has been kept sweetly in her heart is heaven.

One reply on “Being Remembered”
Hi Joy .. and especially the elderly – they love hearing from people .. a note, a bit of information, just that letter dropping through the door – gives so much pleasure and remembrances for them.
Keep writing notes to loved ones .. a simple gift of thought and can be done in a short space of time .. a stimulation, an inspiration to look at others things around their lives ..
Thanks Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last blog ..Volcanic palette, translucent jet streams, passion-fruit paintings … =-.