Seeing fireflies for the first time is like being magically transported into your childhood days, into a world of fairies and dreams and of everything that’s beautiful. I remember the night I saw them, it was such a dark night.
All of a sudden, there they were, guiding my path like floating stars, stars within my reach, stars I could take home with me in the palm of my hand. Seeing fireflies, real stars so close to heaven.

6 replies on “Seeing Fireflies For The First Time”
I absolutely love fireflies…so I know how you feel. Thanks – it’s always the little things that feel like heaven, no? 🙂
.-= Corinne Rodrigues´s last blog ..Nests In Your Hair? =-.
Hi Joyce – I love fireflies .. I remember seeing them when I was a child .. our father taking us outside to see them .. and I’ve seen them in Africa .. they are magical ..
Thanks for the memory .. Hilary
.-= Hilary´s last blog ..The Silent Pianist Speaks … =-.
Last night I was out in a meadow with my boys and saw the most fireflies I have ever seen at one time. As the boys and I raced to catch some to put in a jar, we talked about how it looked like natures fireworks and suddenly, my 11 year old stopped and cried “Mom, this is so beautiful, all these fireflies must be like all the souls going to heaven!” How lucky am I??!!
@Kendra – Awww, that’s beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Kendra. 😉