Acceptance of our limitations brings us one step closer to peace.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time, casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5, WEBBE
There are many times when we feel troubled because we cannot accomplish the good we desire to do. We may see our loved ones sick and we cannot heal them. We may see so many people hungry and we cannot feed them all. We may see so much injustice in the world and we cannot do anything to protect the rights of our fellowmen.
During such times, let us entrust everything to God. He can provide where we lack. He can see where we cannot see. And He alone can accomplish what we can never do.
To You Alone
To you alone, my God,
I surrender all.
To you, my Lord
who understands.
You know my worries,
You know my troubles,
You know when I need
a helping hand.
For there are many things
that I cannot do,
many things
that I cannot overcome.
But by your strength
and by your love I trust
To You alone I rest
my weary heart.