“Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear… The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.” – Psalm 45, NIV
Try to see yourself in your best light. Not in the way other people have judged you before, or in the way you may have looked down on yourself. But in the way God believes in you, in the way He knows you best of all!
You may not feel so strong now, you may even feel broken. But even your sorrow could never diminish the light God has bestowed upon you. You are not your brokenness. You are the person who is capable of overcoming that brokenness.
See the beauty that God sees in you. See the glory that will last for all eternity.
Throw away any self-pity or despair. Put on hope and faith instead. Put on strength and courage and pure love.
Live your day as though you are nearer each day to your very best self. With God on your side, your hope is never in vain.
Oh! Could you but see the beauty of a soul in the grace of God, you would be so much enamored of it that you would do nothing else but ask souls of God… – Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

One reply on “In Your Best Light”
Hi Joyce,
I Recently installed your various Apps on my Smartphone & Tablet – So Encouraging
I was particularily helped by “Hope App (Going Through Difficult Times)” & what God Thinks of me as opposed to what others think of Me!
Thank You
Warm Regards in Jesus