Do not give in to despair. There is always hope!
Even when we think there could never be a way… Even if we feel we could never be happy again… We must go on believing and we must never lose hope.
If ever we are visited by feelings of discouragement and of hopelessness, we must remember that it can never come from God.
What comes from God is always light, and in that light, we start to see a way. Because God Himself is the way. He has made all things and in any moment, He can make all things new!
It is not for us to think how such a way can be made. It is for us to rest in faith and to trust the One who can. It is not for us to close the door and shut ourselves in the dark, it is for us to wait until God Himself walks in and creates the miracle we need!
“Behold, I will do a new thing. It springs forth now. Don’t you know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19, WEB