“Everything beautiful has a mark of eternity.”
-Simone Weil, Lectures on Philosophy
Whenever we see true beauty, there is a desire deep within our souls to keep it. We want it to last. Such is the power of beauty. It transcends time and sends us forth towards eternity.
Somehow, there is a part of us that protests against something beautiful fading away. It just doesn’t seem right for a beautiful thing to die.
Why must something beautiful be brought to decay? Why must something that took us away from our sorrowful pre-occupations be lost forever, never to be found again? Where is comfort to be found?
When we see eternity in the beauty of a rose, we find comfort in knowing that though the rose itself may wither, its beauty remains forever in our hearts. And with this we wonder that perhaps there could really be an immortal soul. For if the soul itself cannot contain all memories of the beautiful, where must all such beauty go?
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in their hearts… – Ecclesiastes 3:11, WEB-BE

One reply on “The Eternity of Beauty”
God uses beauty to point our eyes, hearts, minds, and souls toward heaven where beauty never fades. Beautiful reflection, Joyce! Blessings!