Great evil first comes in small doses. – Jocelyn Soriano
Evil is really powerless against goodness. But it works through malice and deceit. It works by pretending it is good and attractive and beautiful until you fall for it and lie to yourself that darkness is light and light is indeed darkness. Evil works by manipulation, by hiding in the shadows while whispering its many temptations until you let yourself off your guard. And after everything it has done to you, it leads you to think all is hopeless until you believe more in your misery that in the power of God’s mercy.
Never let evil triumph over you by letting it lure you to its many tricks. Always be vigilant! Never let it talk you into giving up what is truly precious and good.
And if in times you fall and succumb to its darkness, never lose hope. It is not in despair that you can find solace but in the infinite love and mercy of Him who has always loved you and who always will. No misery is greater than His love. No darkness is ever powerful enough to put out His Light!
But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. -2 Timothy 3, WEB