“Let no momentary storm, no matter how strong, ever darken your hope.” – Jocelyn Soriano
Within every human heart is a thirst for happiness. This thirst is so deep that it propels us either consciously or subconsciously to do the things that we do and to dream the dreams that we dream. We spend every waking hour trying to find it in all things, though in time, we seem to learn that the more we seek it, the more it could not be found. In a world filled with all sorts of shortcomings and imperfections, can we really find happiness?
I have come to believe, that in this life, there are two kinds of happiness. One kind is that happiness you actually and fully possess. Another kind is that happiness you are able to have through hope.
While things are not yet perfect, we are happy in the hope that they shall be. While not every suffering can be ended right away, we are happy in the hope that one day, all suffering shall cease to give way to joy.
We can be happy for all the things that God blesses us with each day – for the sun and rain, for the food that we eat, for friends and family who warms our hearts with love. And yes, we can still be happy despite all the pain and anguish we face. We can be happy because we have hope. Hope that things will turn out better. Hope that we could overcome our problems and turn even obtacles into opportunities for greater victory. Hope that we have a God in heaven who loves us and who will not let all the darkness in the world defeat the light and happiness He has predestined for His children.
‘Happy the poor in spirit — because theirs is the reign of the heavens.
‘Happy the mourning — because they shall be comforted.
‘Happy the meek — because they shall inherit the land.
‘Happy those hungering and thirsting for righteousness — because they shall be filled.
‘Happy the kind — because they shall find kindness.
‘Happy the clean in heart — because they shall see God.
‘Happy the peacemakers — because they shall be called Sons of God.
‘Happy those persecuted for righteousness’ sake — because theirs is the reign of the heavens.
‘Happy are ye whenever they may reproach you, and may persecute, and may say any evil thing against you falsely for my sake — rejoice ye and be glad, because your reward [is] great in the heavens…’
-Matthew 5, YLT