“It is our destiny to find perfect beauty and goodness. God has made us for Himself and in Him is everything that is beautiful and good.” – Jocelyn Soriano
We love the good. We love the beautiful. It is easy then to love others whom we find good and beautiful. They make us happy. Their mere presence elevates us to heaven and inspires something good and beautiful in us as well.
The challenge comes in loving others who are not that good or beautiful in our eyes. Instead of attracting our hearts, they repel us. Instead of evoking love, we feel hatred and annoyance.
How could we ever love them? And how could we even love ourselves when we, too, bear the same marks of imperfection and darkness in our souls?
Maybe the key is in loving God who is perfect in all goodness and beauty. We love God above all. And we love all other things through Him, out of love of Him.
He has made us out of love, didn’t He? He created us after His own image and likeness, didn’t He?
No matter how stained with sin or darkness, we bear something of His own. This then is what will always be left upon us all, and this is what we can love.
“God alone satisfies.” – St. Thomas Aquinas

One reply on “Finding the Good and the Beautiful”
Yes! God alone satisfies, and we can love because He first loved us. Blessings, Joyce!