Glory not in riches, if you have them, nor in friends, because they are powerful; but in God, who gives all things, and desires to give himself above all things. – Thomas Kempis
Who could tell what could happen tomorrow? Those who are rich could suddenly find themselves poor. Those who are laughing could suddenly find themselves weeping. Those who are proud could find themselves humbled. Those who have many friends could find themselves all alone.
On the other hand, those who are poor could suddenly find themselves rich. Those who are weeping could find themselves able to smile and laugh. Those who are humble could find themselves lifted up by God. And those who are alone may find family and friends who will really love them.
Who could tell what the future holds? Only God can. And we trust the One who holds our future. We trust in His wisdom, in His power, and in His love.
It is very easy for the Lord to make a poor person suddenly rich. Devout people will receive the Lord’s blessing as their reward, and that blessing can be given in a moment. Don’t be concerned about what you need, or what success the future holds for you. On the other hand, don’t think that you have everything you need or that nothing can go wrong for you in the future. When things are going well, people don’t think about hard times; and when things are going badly, they forget about prosperity. The Lord can easily wait until the day of our death to reward or punish us. At that time our deeds are open for all to see… – Sirach 11:21-27, GNT