“The more happiness we bestow, the more we shall receive, even here; and the greater will be our reward in heaven when we rest from our labours.”- Anne Brontë, Agnes Grey
Let it be our resolution to give more and more happiness away. Let us be generous with our joy, for in being able to make others happy, we multiply our own happiness.
This world has so much need for the generosity of those who are overflowing with love and joy. Be that spring of life that touches other people’s hearts, consoling those who bleed, and refreshing those who fall down.
It is by making others happy that you will chase away your own sorrow. It is by giving away love that you will receive it a hundredfold.
“If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” – Matthew 19:21, WEB-BE