See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. – Matthew 10:16, NRSVCE
Much of the world is covered with darkness because those who are good are often afraid to shine their light. While wicked men plot about evil, good men fall into indifference. While those who are evil commit every sort of injustice, good men keep silent as though it is a sin to speak against what is wrong.
Tolerance of evil is never a virtue. Neither is cowardice something to be strived for. Good men should be wise men who are not easily deceived or abused.
While it is true that we are called to forgive, to love and to be patient, we are also called to be courageous, to be strong and to overcome evil.
Let us be meek as doves indeed as we strive not to cause harm to others. But let us also be wise and discerning, able to distinguish between right and wrong, and ever prepared to fight for what is right.
“We ought to speak, shout out against injustices, with confidence and without fear. We proclaim the principles of the Church, the reign of love, without forgetting that it is also a reign of justice.” – Blessed Miguel Pro