Abraham answered, “See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord, although I am dust and ashes.” – Genesis 18:27, WEBBE
The life, strengths, and challenges God has given me, I’ve realized, were there to make me ever grateful and humble. To know how much I have received and how much I ought to give in return, and realize how little I am able to do so. To know how high a standard I must observe, and to constantly fall, unable to rise without holding on to His Hand. To be given a vision of what one can do, and to bear the inability to do them. To see others accomplish what I could never do. To be content with what little acts of love I am capable of. And to be the beloved of Him who is all perfect and pure despite my lowliness. Such great reasons for humility and for unutterable joy!
I confess I am much happier because of my weakness than if – sustained by grace – I had been a model of patience. It does me so much good to see that Jesus is always sweet and tender towards me. Truly it is enough to make me die of grateful love. – St. Therese of Lisieux