If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7 (WEB)
Deep within our hearts, we have desires that may have remained hidden through the years. We have almost forgotten them. We rarely allow them to speak to us because somehow, we are afraid.
Not once have we been disappointed while dreaming our dreams. Not once have our desires been put down by others who didn’t believe in them.
So we buried those desires deeply, into that place where none can see them anymore, where none can judge us or mock us, telling us we’re not even worthy to imagine such things.
But what if Someone comes along who believes in them? Someone who is able to see pass through your masks, uncovering the true cry of your soul?
Will you allow yourself to believe once again? Will you honor the dignity God has placed within you?
Jesus comes knocking. He knows you through and through. Finally, here is Someone who will treasure your deepest yearnings, who cares so much about you He wants to fulfill your heart’s desires. Will you let Him? Will you trust again knowing that there is Someone who trusts in you?
Gemma complained to Jesus saying, “You have put this desire in my heart. You have told me it is your wish. Are you going to do nothing about it?” And Jesus replied, “If others will not attend to this wish of yours, hide it in My heart and I shall attend to it Myself.” (Portrait of St. Gemma by Sister Saint Michael)