“When one loves, one does not calculate.”- Thérèse de Lisieux
Love does not calculate. When we love, we do not count how many times we have forgiven, or how many sacrifices we have made. We do not keep track how many times our love has been returned or how many gifts we have been given back.
Love flows freely. All it wants is to be shared with sincerity so that the beloved may feel that he or she is loved.
If we count the benefits that we have derived from love, then we are not really loving. We may only be investing something as we do in a business so we can earn something back, something more.
Love on the other hand always wants to give more. It is in giving that it grows. It is in the offering of oneself that one really lives.
Let us not limit love. It could not be bound. Let us not count what love can do or has done. Love is infinite. Love is immeasurable.
And above all things be earnest in your love amongst yourselves, for love covers a multitude of sins. – 1 Peter 4:8, WEB-BE