Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history. – St. John Paul II
Never think that there is nothing you can do. Your power does not depend on your strength or your riches. Your power comes from above, and you unlock that power through prayer and sacrifice.
Through prayer, you come before the very presence of God. Through sincerity of heart, your spirit is moved by faith and by love. Faith that can move even mountains. And love that can overcome all things!
And when you offer your prayer with sacrifice, your love becomes fully manifest. It is no longer a love that is invoked only in words. It becomes a love that is proven by tears.
And she weeping looked up to heaven,for her heart had confidence in the Lord.-Daniel 13:35,DRB
God is an ocean, a fire, a living fountain…That is the essence of prayer: this contact with a living God, a God who reacts not like a simple inanimate being but like a living person, with a thrill of joy, with the gift of Himself. – Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus, OCD (Where the Spirit Breathes)
I often wonder that if innocent people did not suffer so much what would happen to the world? They are the ones who are interceding the whole time. Their innocence is so pleasing to God. By accepting suffering, they intercede for us. – Mother Teresa