I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake; and I will not remember your sins. – Isaiah 43:25, WEBBE
We can get so used to doing our very best that we can feel a bit of suffocation sometimes when we run out of strength and we make mistakes along the way.
We may feel then that the eyes of everyone have suddenly turned towards us, ready to cast a blame, even ready to condemn us just for that one error we never wanted to commit.
Have all our prudence come to nothing? Wasn’t it enough to have tried and given everything we’ve got?
When that time comes, remember that love, if it be true, leaves enough room for understanding and forgiveness also. Love knows how much we’ve tried, and love accepts us both in times when we’re radiant as well as in times when we’re really miserable.
Love has left a room even for your mistakes, even for your sins. Love goes with you not only when you stand, but even when you fall, especially when you fall. It does not laugh. It does not cast a look of sarcasm.
Love instead casts a look of faith and is ready to help you rise again.
Genuine forgiveness is participation, reunion overcoming the powers of estrangement… We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love. – Paul Tillich
If I, His poor little creature, feel so tenderly towards you when you come back to me, what must pass through Our Lord’s Divine Heart when we return to Him? Far more quickly than I have just done will He blot out our sins from His memory. . . . Nay, He will even love us more tenderly than before we fell. – St. Therese of Lisieux