“More than eyes that see our tears, we need hearts that trust our courage!” – Jocelyn Soriano
I can choose to see your frailty and doubt life’s worth. I can choose to see your broken dreams and fail to form any of my own. I can choose to see only your pain and fall into despair. I can choose to see your tears and forget all memories of happiness.
But I can also choose to see the strength of your soul that goes on fighting though the body is weak. I can choose to see how many more dreams you can dare to dream again. I can choose to hope and to go on believing. I can choose to gather your memories of joy that could overcome all fleeting tears.
Indeed, I can see you for who you really are, not for how you appear to be. And I can see you as God sees you, for God is beyond time or space, beyond our passing troubles and fears.
How do I see you? I see you for the best that you can become. I see you for the dreams you are to reach. And I see you basking in the light you are soon to find.
I see you now, joyful and beautiful. I see you in the arms of my God and your God who loves us most. I see you healed and strong, away from all these suffering and pain. I see you finally knowing and fully believing that you are loved, yes, loved with no possible measure or end, loved beyond all your yearnings and imaginings. I see you blessed and glorious in His love and I am fully satisifed. This is the peace that passes all understanding and soothes all of my fleeting griefs. This is my unshakeable hope. This is my unwavering joy!
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller

One reply on “How Do I See You?”
To see and love another being as God sees and loves them – something for which we should all strive. Blessings!