We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. – St. Claire of Assisi
Life is a pursuit of things we love in order to find happiness. The challenge is to be able to see what things can give us a love that is full, true and pure and a happiness that will never fade away.
…whatever things are true, whatever things are honourable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things. – Philippians 4, WEBBE
The Happiness We Seek
What is it that we seek but love?
And what is it that love seeks
but that which can make it happy?
Love seeks what is true and good and pure,
love yearns for what is beautiful
for a happiness that can never be lost.
Yet many are the times
when love becomes blind
and it does not see what it was meant to find.
Yes, many are the times
when love settles for what is less,
and it clings to such things
that can never give it rest.
Blessed is the heart that knows how to wait,
blessed is the love that sees
what it must find,
and is not deceived by things
that make it blind.
For though it may suffer for a time,
though it may bleed and hurt and cry,
Yes, though it may even think it dies,
it shall certainly heal and live and rise,
it shall have the happiness that it truly desires.