“First we form habits; then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.” -Robert Gilbert
Any bad habit associated with intoxicating pleasure is difficult to overcome due to the intense sensation felt by the person every time he engages in such a habit. During such a time, everything else seems to fade away, even right thinking, even far reaching consequences in the future, even loved ones.
Afterwards, when the pleasure or sensation has left, one can begin to see the damage it has done to himself and to others. In a way, one repents, and desires to leave behind such a harmful vice. But one’s resolve quickly breaks as soon as the sensation starts to creep in again and lays hold upon him, becoming its slave. The cycle never seems to stop until there is full destruction of a life bereft of every good.
But is there hope? Can one be free?
The answer may seem too simple, but the answer is Him who sets prisoners free and heals those who are wounded, both in body and in soul. It is grace that can empower us, grace that can assist us when even our very best is never enough.
This does not mean however that we do nothing. Grace is strength, but we must use that strength that is given us. God opens the prison doors, but we must choose to walk outside so we can truly be free.
The struggle for many may not be instant. It can be a daily battle where one rises and where one falls again. But the important thing is to always get up, never letting go of God’s Hand, God’s strong yet gentle Hand that will always be there for us, guiding us, until all that is lost has found its way again.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people. – Luke 4, GNT