“I plead with you–never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” – Pope John Paul II
I salute you, courageous one. You’ve been broken bad. Tired and bruised and wounded. You’ve been terribly crushed. But you held your ground. You did not give up.
I salute you, courageous one. You’ve been cast away. You knew what it was to suffer loneliness. But you chose to stand alone than join in and give your faith away.
I salute you, courageous one. You’ve worked so hard to do good. You saw no fruit to your labors, but you were not dismayed.
I salute you, courageous one. You’ve been hurt so many times. Betrayed by those whom you’ve loved. But you never lost hope. You did not close your heart.
I salute you, courageous one. After working all these years, you’ve received no applause, you’ve received no reward. But you carry on. Each day you still do what is right.
I salute you, courageous one. Others thought you’re weak. Others thought you’re mad. But you knew your true strength and you’ve used it. You were mighty within and that’s more than enough.
The LORD is my light and my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
When evildoers came at me to eat up my flesh,
even my adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell.
Though an army should encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear.
Though war should rise against me,
even then I will be confident.
-Psalm 27, WEBBE