The Four Significant People In Your Life
Do you know the four important people who play a significant role in your life? There are four types of people that contribute to a more meaningful and purposeful life, and these are:
1. Your Mentor
When we were much younger, we had all sorts of teachers who guided us and assisted us in learning the things we needed to learn. They were experts in different fields who imparted to us not only their knowledge, but their wisdom and life experiences.
Learning should never stop even as we grow older. We should always find mentors who will be a source of enlightenment for us in paths we have yet to take. These mentors can be experts in the field of business when we are venturing out into our own businesses, life coaches who can motivate us towards career change, pastors and priests who will guide our spiritual growth or even friends who have already advanced further in life, willing to take our hand so we can also be where they are.
The most important ingredient in mentorship is trust. No mentor can ever impart to us what we needed to learn if we don’t have faith in who they are and in what they are teaching us.
2. Your Model
Models are the people we admire and give us inspiration. They don’t necessarily have to be mentoring us, but we can also learn from them even from a distance.
Who are the people you really admire? They can be celebrities or heroes. They can be alive today or have already departed but left lasting footprints to light your way.
The most important ingredient in finding models in life is inspiration. We choose the people who inspire us the most and who make us believe in the best we could be.
3. Your Companion
Who are your companions? Although we an also learn much from our companions, they don’t necessarily have to be mentoring us in such a direct and influential way as our mentors and models do. But companions walk side by side with us. They learn with us. They grown with us, and thus, learning doesn’t become such a lonely process after all.
The ingredient that makes a successful friendship is fondness and spiritual affinity. Choose companions whose company you enjoy and with whom you can discover life with in eager excitement, laughter and joy.
4. Your Student
Wherever we may be in life, we are also at a point where we can teach something to other people. We can be mentors ourselves and pass on the knowledge and wisdom we have learned through the years. The cycle of life is not complete without being able to leave your legacy, and your greatest legacy is being able to inspire and touch another soul that will carry on the light which you have found.
As in mentorship, one of the key ingredients in finding the right students is trust. They should have a firm belief in you. They should be open enough to receive what you are willing to impart.

5 replies on “The Four Significant People In Your LIfe”
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Thanks so much for your great post about The Four Significant People In Your Life.
The most important ingredient in finding models in life is inspiration. We choose the people who inspire us the most and who make us believe in the best we could be.
I love this paragraph so much,it’s so meaningful
@VAn025 – You’re welcome! Thanks for dropping by 😉
Good thoughts here. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks, Lynne! Keep in touch 😉