Let’s do a little test. Who can see radio frequencies in the air before they are transmitted into your radio to create meaningful sound and music? Who can see television signals before they reach your tv screens to create meaningful pictures for you to watch? Who can see cellular phone signals before they reach your mobile phones to create messages we could actually understand?
Probability is that no one could see such things. But does it mean they don’t exist?
How about the human soul? Could it be that even if we do not actually see it, they exist within this mortal physical frame we call our bodies? And could it also be possible that even if this mortal body dies, the invisible soul still remains, untouched, and very much alive?
Even if your radio breaks, it doesn’t mean that the radio frequencies also cease to exist. They’re still there! All you need to do is to repair that radio or buy a new one in order to continue hearing your favorite songs.