It is said that it is quite often the last key in the bunch that is able to open the lock. It is the last key that makes a way. It is the last key that opens the door we’ve been trying so very hard to get through.
But what’s interesting about the last key is that it can remain unused for so long. Why? Because we want to hold on to it for as long as we could. We want to hold on to the idea that we can still resort to something after all else fails. We want to hold on to HOPE.
Because what happens if we did try to use the last key and it doesn’t work? We would have lost everything. It would have been worse than waiting before a closed door.
But the truth is that whatever may be our fears, we must find the courage to use that key. We have to risk losing our only hope so we can find the fulfilment of that hope. Using that key is the only way we can open that door. And unless we risk it, we’d always be left wondering, “What if we used the last key and found our way to what we’ve always been searching for?”