There comes a time when only the face of Christ can give you peace.
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. – John 14, WEBBE
The Face of Jesus
I come to you troubled,
I come to you burdened with so much,
I come to you, O Jesus,
because I seek your peace.
O blessed, peace,
when shall you abide within me,
to bless my heart
with your healing balm?
For the world has wounded me
with its noise;
it has afflicted
my aching heart.
O dear Jesus,
let me see your face,
Your face of sweet suffering,
Your face of utter peace.
For your peace is a peace
that is so deep,
it runs beneath
the most troubled waters.
Your peace is a peace
that the world cannot give,
because it has not known You,
it has not seen your face.