In the end, we keep only the things we place upon God’s Hands. – Jocelyn Soriano
How many times have we lost things we wished we could keep forever? How many times have we grieved for something so beautiful that has suddenly been taken away from us?
What inconstancy there is indeed in this life. We strive so much to possess the things our hearts desire and as soon as we get them, we lose them, never to find them again.
If only we could place them somewhere safe, somewhere hidden from everything that could destroy them or steal them away from us.
In the end though, we discover that the only things we get to keep are the things we have placed upon God’s Hands. What we surrender to Him we shall have forever. What we learned to entrust upon Him we shall forever possess.
…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:20-21, WEB