The most degraded man on the face of the earth is precious, and Christ died for him. That poor soul may have made a wrong choice, but that is not for us to decide. While he has life, he has hope. He might not seem lovable to us, but he is loved by God. – Fulton Sheen
Think not that when I look at you, I look only at your faults. That all I see are the rough edges and the shadows surrounding you. Think not that as I gaze upon you, I have come only to measure you, to find only what is lacking in you.
No, this is not how I look at you. For though I see all this darkness, all this brokenness and pain, all these things could never turn me away.
On the other hand, I have come to share your sufferings, to taste your tears, even to dwell upon your wounds. And there, where all is bitterness, I live, and I love.
I take your every weakness upon me, I claim all of them as mine. For you are mine. You are my beloved. And if you are willing, you can rest your broken heart upon Mine.
And I shall look at you as I look upon my own wounded heart. Pierced and crushed, yet overflowing with compassion. Knowing both sorrow and joy. Beating as one with love!
The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart,
and saves those who have a crushed spirit.
-Psalm 34, WEBBE