Have you ever imagined how it would be like NOT to feel hungry ever again? Would you like that? And I don’t refer to that situation where you have lots of food so you won’t starve, no, not like that. I refer to that situation when your body won’t need anymore food at all, when you’ll never feel the pangs of hunger again, never! Would you like that?
For my own preference, I’d rather not. At first glance, what’s being offered is like magic, a pill that would eradicate that “evil” of hunger, that “dependence” on regular food supply in order to survive. It would be cost-beneficial, too, since a big percentage of the money we earn goes only to our food supply.
But then I thought of all the mouth-watering foods I’ve ever tasted. I’ve thought of fried chicken and ice cream and newly baked cookies and brewed coffee and I gave in. How could I ever manage missing all that? Rather, how could I deprive myself of all such blessings?
Some might argue that I might still be given the power to taste food and even to eat eventhough I won’t be needing it anymore. Some way of saying I could have my cake and eat it too!
Yet would it be the same? That same kind of satisfaction when you’re as hungry as a bear and then a feast is suddenly presented before you? No, not at all!
Without the hunger, without that desire, there cannot be satisfaction as well, no pleasure that can ever be complete.
I guess that makes up most of our lives here as mortals. Having a desire, working towards it, and then feeling the joy of its fulfillment.
Sometimes, with all our difficulties, we feel that maybe, it would have been better had we no need for anything at all. We wished to be exempt from hunger, from threat, from pain, from longings, from having dreams.
But aren’t these the things that make us humans after all? Aren’t these the things that tell us we’re still alive, and that we can dream and make those dreams manifest before our very eyes?
In the end, it isn’t the absence of hunger that we’d want, but its satisfaction It isn’t the absence of life and all its hardships that we pray for, but a fullness that would continuously enrich our souls.