How happy I am to see myself imperfect and be in need of God’s mercy. – St Therese of the Child Jesus
GOD is the Lord who heals us. There will come a time when He shall completely heal our wounds and wipe away all of our tears. On that day, our joy will be far greater than our past suffering. On that day, we shall be truly whole.
Even today, God already heals us. There are those He restores to complete health and those whose emotional wounds are being healed.
There are some wounds however that may not heal completely in this life. For reasons known to Him alone, He allows certain sufferings to afflict us. He leaves certain crosses we must carry from day to day.
Let this not take away our hope however. For as great as one’s sufferings are, great also are the graces God confers upon us to help us bear them.
These sufferings become blessings also as they purify us and heal the deeper wounds of our souls. Bearing them allows us to gain courage. Seeing them reminds us of our frailty and sends us towards true humility.
Let us remember the wounds of Christ. Such are the wounds that gave out true compassion to those who also hurt and undergo great difficulties. Such are the wounds of love by which we are all healed in God’s perfect time.
By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh… to torment me, that I should not be exalted excessively. – 2 Cor. 12:7, WEB

One reply on “Wounds That Do Not Heal”
Our God is the merciful healer of all. Thank you for these beautiful and inspirational thoughts today, Joyce. Blessings!