Just this once, write with complete abandon. Write as though you don’t need to earn a living. Write, write and write. Write with all of your heart. Write with everything that you have.
Just this once, write without fear. Write as though you have the courage to face anyone who’d ever dare to criticize your work. Write with passion and conviction. Write and say everything you want to say.
Just this once, write without limits. Write from another world, a world no one may ever believe in but those who can understand where you’re coming from. Write beyond the expectation of others. Write what you may otherwise consider as insignificant or crazy or too extravagant for you.
Just this once, write in darkness. Write without knowing where your writing would be taking you. Write as you face that mysterious door into the unknown. Write with your shadows and with your doubts.
Just this once, write with light. Write with such an inspired spirit that others can’t help but find their voice with you. Write like a flame that can ignite the coldest hearts. Write and become a beacon to help others find their way.
Just this once, write with your wounds. Write even when you bleed and bleed and bleed. Write with all the thorns that have pricked your very heart. Let others know that you also suffer and that they are not alone.
Just this once, write with your bliss. Write without apologizing for your joy. Let others know that they can be healed and that they can be happy, too. Write that there is so much more they can look forward to in life.
Just this once, be true to who you really are. Write with your soul. Write with faith. Write with the unfailing power of love.