“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving
My friend, I know how much you’ve been hurt, and I’ve witnessed how this broken world has disappointed you. I’ve also seen how you tried to be strong through it all. Though it was difficult, and though I could barely imagine your pain, you found the courage to go on. You did not back away from life nor did you surrender your fight.
Sometimes, however, I feel that the burden is already too great for you to bear. It is much too painful to keep inside of you. And that is why I feel that every now and then, you must find a safe place for you to rest. Yes, a safe place where you can take off your heavy armor and just feel all the crazy emotions you feel within.
My friend, there are times when I think that you must allow yourself to cry. It may not be easy at first. It may feel as though all you have is well that’s gone dry. But allow yourself this privilege, the chance to let your tears fall again.
In utter silence, and in the safety of your hiding place, let those tears fall like showers in the midst of summer. Set them free and let them speak. Let them sing the saddest song if they would.
Sometimes we need to feel the pain before we heal. Sometimes we need to listen to our tears.
“You know how troubled I am;
you have kept a record of my tears.
Aren’t they listed in your book?”
– Psalm 56:8, GNT