Dear Lord, how could he have done this to me? How could he forget his promises? How could he throw away in a moment all the things we have built all these years? How could he break my heart? Was it my fault? Was it me Lord? Tell me where I have gone wrong. Show me my sins, flash them before me so I may know. For I do not understand how all these things can be happening right now. I do not understand how something so good can suddenly end up the way it is today. We were so happy, Lord. We were so in love we have not a care in the world. It was just him and me, the two of us, and it was enough, probably more than enough. He was your gift to me, and I to him. We complement each other, we share so many things in common, it is to him that I opened up my heart. It is he Lord whom I trusted with all my heart.
How then can he break it so? How can he betray our love? How can he suddenly say he doesn’t love me anymore? It seemed not so long ago when we would simply walk hand in hand along the beach, when we would share a slice of pizza and be satisfied just the same, when we would gaze at the evening sky and count the stars, content of what we had, certain that it would last forever like the millions of stars in the sky. I believed in forever. Now I don’t know anymore. I know nothing anymore. Can love be lost in an instant? Can true love really just fade away? I am so broken deep within me Lord I do not know if I can still piece together every shattered part of me.
My friends say that it will heal in time. They say I should busy myself with this and that, date with this guy and that guy. But I don’t know Lord. Are these the things that can make me believe in love once again? Are these the things that can relieve this pain I feel in my heart? I am not only hurting, Lord. I feel so angry that I couldn’t do anything to avenge myself for this kind of suffering I do not deserve. Do I not deserve true love Lord? Do I not deserve loyalty, sincerity and respect? He makes me feel so bad, Lord. He makes me feel so bad about myself. I built my whole world around him, and he took it all away. I built my self esteem upon his admiration, and he trampled upon it as though it were trash. How can he not feel guilty for what he has done? How can he suddenly be so happy now in the arms of another woman? How can I ever build my world again? How can I ever be happy once more?
Please help me Lord, I really don’t know what to do. Only your words can comfort me. Only your embrace can soothe my pain. I have given everything I could my Lord, and there is nothing more I can give. I kneel before you now, crushed and broken, empty and afraid to be alone. Hide me under your wings, hold me in your loving arms. Say unto me again how much you love me. Say unto me that you have called me yours and you will never ever let me go. Though men may fail, you remain faithful, steadfast and immovable as a rock. Though men may judge me for all the faults they see in me, you see my heart and reveal to me the beautiful soul you see in me. Help me to let go of my pain, teach me to forgive those who do not even ask my forgiveness. This burden is something I shouldn’t carry in my heart. This trouble is not something I should trade away my peace for. I know that I have been done wrong, the things that have happened had been so unfair. Sometimes life’s like that. Many things in this life really seem so unfair. But let me not continue being unfair to myself. Let me not punish myself anymore for the things others have done.
I offer unto you my wounded heart, my broken heart. I know it is you my Lord who will uphold me in the end. Let me not lose hope. Let me not cast away everything that’s good and beautiful in this life. I know that there is so much more in store for me. I know how much love I can still give away because it is you who fills me with everything that I’ll ever need. You are the one who loves me truly, eternally, unconditionally. You are the one who has always been there for me and always will be there for me. You are my one true love. You are my forever. You are my strength and my peace and my joy. Surely in your presence Lord, I do not need anything more.
A BROKEN HEART’S PRAYER was taken from the Book MEND MY BROKEN HEART. You can download a free sample from the book by clicking the LINK below:

175 replies on “A Broken Heart’s Prayer”
This prayer fits me to the exact detail right now, I am going through it. Thank you Lord for your gift of words through this person who wrote it and Bless them and may you too heal. Thank you.
this prayer also. Fits my despair my broken heart. Its been 7 months that my 14 year relationship ended and I feel so lost.. Dear lord thank you for showing me you are here in the drakness.
I googled prayers for a broken heart and came across yours. Your views mirror what I am feeling right now. May God bless you and heal you from the pain you are feeling, because I understand what you are going through.
I am also in this situation right now. My relationship with my boyfriend has ended this Jan. 17, 2009 and i feel so much pain. I had loved him so much, but he cheated me. All in my mind now is how to fix my broken heart and i know that GOD has a better plan for me. GOD loves me so much so theres nothing for me worry and my family and friends are always here for me. I really appreciate this prayer and i know it will help me to carry also my own burden…
Thank you very much
It’s really difficult, but I do believe from deep within me that you can overcome this situation. It will take time, but healing is certain to come. You will be happier, more happy than you were before.
I hope it all turns out for the best just trust in God
Mina N.
Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For Mother In Israel. Pray For USA Mothers, & russians women, Pray For Muslim Women To, Please. Pray For Working Mothers, Pray For Singel Mothers, & Singel Great GrainMother. Will Have Peace in There Heart. Mothers Who Do Not Know U As There Saver Salvation Will Get Saved In The Blood Of Jesus Christ
Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ:
The Apostle Paul gives us two prayer examples of what to pray for regarding the Body of Christ in Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21. Pray these prayers for your Church Leaders, your Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and for yourself.
God promised Abraham He will bless those who blessed him and curse those who curse him. This promise was not only for Abraham, but for all of his covenant descendants – the Jewish people. Pray that our leaders will make the correct decisions to make our country a blessing to Israel. Also, Christians need to pray that the nation of Israel will recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Savior, that they will have peace and success, and that they will possesses the land that God has promised them. (Genesis 12:2-3, 15:18-21, 17:8, 17:21, 22:15-18, Deuteronomy 30:2-5)
Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Pray For In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
Attorney General
—Eric Holder
Secretary of State
—Hillary Clinton
Chief of Staff
—Rahm Emanuel
Chair, Council of Economic Advisers
—Christina Romer
If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (NIV)
Pray For Our Youth & Young Adults.In The Name Of Jesus Christ
A family that prays together stays together.
Please Pray for Street Bullies In The Name Of Jesus Christ & Pray For Schools
Pray For The Family Live Be side me & Around me. Bless There Home & Work & Shool. Bless There health to, & The One’s who do not know Jesus As There Saver Salvation will Get Saved In The Blood Of Jesus.
Prayer of a Mother whose children are no longer at home. In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Prayer for families is the very foundation that keeps a family unit together. Have you heard the phrase “A family that prays together stays together”? The concept is true – a family that has their focus on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ has a foundation that may be shaken at times, but it will withstand all that comes against them.
Prayers for Justice and Peace
Please Pray for Other People Have Heart Problem. & Diabetes, In The Name Of Jesus Christ &, Athesma Problems.
And the Blind In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ… Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ…
Hear our prayers, O God, In The name of Jesus Christ I Pray
I do pray that any of our nation’s leaders who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior would develop a relationship with Him. Pray that those who are believers would grow closer to Him each day. In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen
Hear our prayers, O God, In The name of Jesus Christ I Pray
Praying For Every One Around Me
Pray For Our Enemies
O God, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I do pray that any of our nation’s leaders who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior would develop a relationship with Him. Pray that those who are believers would grow closer to Him each day. In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen
Mrs prayerwarrior. I am Praying In The name Of Jesus christ. I have faith in god, God do Hear his Childrens, prayers & cry
I can’t believe it. This is exactly what happened to me, down to the eating pizza on the beach. He lived on the oregon coast, and left me for someone else at work. It has been over a year and I am still not over it. please pray for me.
I, too am struggling with a broken heart that was not expected. I left to make arrangements for my sister’s unexpect death (48) and returned to nothing. He will not answer my questions or see me. I hav begged for answers to so many questions. The pain and devastation are beyond words. I am agonized and desperate. I lost my sister and the man i know i was to grow old with. I went from everything to nothing. How could he have no compassion or heart? What am I to do?
According to certain questionnaires, Lincoln is USA 7th best statesman. This is overrated to me …
this prayer is for me who have the broken heart n suffering to forget someone
What a beautiful prayer. A simple google search for Prayers for the Broken Hearted brought me this and voiced my pain word for word. It brought tears to my eyes and hope to my heart. Bless us all, in our time of need.
When I came across yours, I was amazed at how exactly it articulated how I am feeling now.
Thank you for such a wonderful prayer. I have been trying to put into words the prayer i wanted to pray to God. I wanted to tell God exactly how I felt and your words filled the void in me.
🙂 After reading all the posts it appears I am not the only one who felt that every word is written for me, except that its a ‘she’ in my case. Its been 8 months and I am still crying alone in a lonely land away from family and friends… God please take the heavy burden from my heart as soon as possible.. can’t carry it for long.. please pray for me..
I cannot begin to say what I wanted to say in a prayer through my own words.I ended up not even half way to what i truly want to say to God. I thought it stupid in the beginning but I google searched a prayer for the broken hearted and this came out first on the list. As I slowly read through the prayer I can’t believe that I am reading is exactly the same sentiments that i can’t even organize in my thoughts. When you are hurting from a broken heart, it takes you to different phases of grief,,,,anger, despair, negotiation until you reach acceptance. The path to recovery is like an uphill battle with no direction in life.I fear going home alone because anywhere I turn inside it I am reminded of him. My tears may have subsided but the pain in my heart hasn’t. I pray with those who prayed this prayer and pray for those who need it like I do.
thank you, your prayer is beautiful and just what i need right now.
It has been 5 yrs since my husband of 12 yrs left me for another woman. I still feel as if I am in shock. I still have moments of disbelief that I am alone and that my soulmate – the man I cherished above all else – has abandoned me. I am still heartbroken and I still cry almost everyday. I often wonder when the pain of his rejection and betrayal will end. It has gone on for so long. I still love him deeply and miss the life we had. Please pray that this pain is removed from my heart. God bless all the other broken hearted souls that have suffered through the lose of their love. I am praying for all of us daily.
amen and amen, just what i needed right now, i feel myself in this. its my prayer too!
God please bless us all. It hurts a great deal to know u don’t deserve how bad someone is treating u
Be still and know that He is Lord. In Gods time, we will reap what is due to us. I too am heart broken but believe that God is orchestrating a blessing. Let’s look to God rather than the situation. It’s hard but with God all things are possible.
i’m in a situation right now and this pray definitely fit me where i am at. i met a woman in march of 2009, i proposed to her may of 2010. we were going to get married on may 6 2011. on october 16, 2010 my fiance and i bought our rings, after that i took her out to dinner for her 34th birthday and gave her some gifts. the next night on the 17th when she was at work she had text me telling me she was having a bad day, little did i know it was her thoughts running about us not just work going bad. when she got home we talked and she told me she had been unhappy for the past 3 months and that she wanted her freedom back and she didn’t love me anymore. thankyou vary much for this prayer.
This prayer also works for us men who have been betrayed. My wife of 15 years lost a bunch of weight and started dressing younger and acting younger. She got a new job and it wasn’t two weeks later she left me and our 12 year old daughter in the dust for a guy she had just met at work.
I have never felt pain like this before, you cannot describe it to anyone unless they have been through it. How can someone be so cruel to another person? How can a woman leave her daughter without even shedding a tear over it? Of course this guy is a total loser, I have never been mean to her a day in 15 years, trusted her 100% and was faithful to her. I don’t drink or do drugs and I’m a great father… so why?
Well I was praying about it and I asked God, ” God why me? Why am I being punished?” I heard a small voice in my mind reply, ” I am not punishing you, I am delivering you”. Wow!
My daughter and I are closer than ever and closer to God than ever, sure it still hurts a lot but we have to have faith that God will bring us out.
lovely prayer…thank u so much…tears flowing out of my eyes when im saying this wonderfull prayer…i couldnt take it…its really pain. i was thinking that god gifted a lovely person for me.. after 3 years only i got to know that i have been fooled by him… hoping what ever happens in my life is just for my goodness sake…tq n god bless u always
Thank you for this prayer because i didn’t have the strength to find the words to pray. Am hurting so much and pray that God can take away the pain. I pray that God can pick me up because i find myself with no strength to walk or move forward. Thank you so much.
My heart is beyond broken and all that keeps me going is God’s mercy and strength on days when i have nothing.
Thank you, i know the light will shine in my life one day, i just don’t know when the day will arrive
God is nigh to the broken hearted…I also have experienced this distress. There have been days when I simply wanted to block out the entire world. Only God can truly mend a broken heart. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Love yourself…
I have more to say…I know how it is to hurt, I just did not want to say how much. There are days when I feel as though my life has no meaning. I struggle with the insecurities that someone else left me with because they decided that they did not want our relationship any longer. I know that I have done all that I can. I am a good woman, yet so many others seem to do so much better than I. It seems that people who disregard love do so much better than I do. My heart always seems to be broken and a broken heart makes you ill inside. To be honest, I wish I had the answers to all of our questions, but I do not. We pray all the time for love, and love seems to hate us. It is the most beautiful and most painful thing that I know. I lose hope daily. I lose faith daily. I know that God has all of the answers, but I even lose sight of what He can do at times. I do not want to hurt any longer. I do not even want to feel any longer. My words are true, and although I know the Lord, I still go to bed or wake up broken hearted. I am drinking tears for water…
this prayer is so beautiful n portrays exactly what i’m going through :(, i trust god n i know he’s helping me the best he can, he’s there for me, but even then this pain deep inside of my heart doesnt decrease… Its been 3 months now that he left me, the pain is stil as sharp and i cry everyday waking up, when i return from work, when i sleep… at night i dont even sleep cause i feel so afraid and alone and lost… Its very difficult to live with this pain now… help me god, heal me god, give me some strength to go through everyday…
Embrace me when i feel alone, help me when i falter… Why does loving someone hurts so much when love is supposed to be so beautiful:(
God bless u and i hope u God take care of your broken heart. i read this and is like is me writing to God, and i belive strongly that God has already done it in Jesus’s Name. AMEN
@Moda – God bless you too! Keep in touch ok? 😉
God bless you Ms. Jocelyn Soriano. May you continue to share your gift to all of us wanderers, and lead us to God through your gift of empathizing, writing, and wisdom.
@Xanthe’s Mom – Thank you and may God bless you too! You have had a beautiful experience with God, through all your trials and tribulations, and what a sweet fragrance of love and hope it brought! Thank you for sharing with us your life and inspiration 😉
I wish I knew when the hurt will end. I pray and pray to God to help me find the path to peace, but I haven’t found that path yet. I know I am going to learn something through this experience, but I am so tired of hurting that sometimes I don’t have the energy or will I need to keep moving forward.
@Polly – Hello Polly! I’ve been to many hurts too, nothing is really easy when you’re in that path. I can understand what you mean when you said you felt so tired. Right now, try not to think so much about the future. It’s a time for healing, and to just survive in the moment. God is with you this very moment, be blessed!
yes its right god always bless every ones haitha.@};-i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
@Naomi – God loves us, may He always bless you, Naomi!
muje afna se kabi alak na karna dipash me nai jipaugi nai jipaugi ok.plz prommise me.i lvu u uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I have been searching for prayers & scripture to help me through my pain. The man I though was who I would spend my life w broke my heart 5/9/11. I have so many questions and so much pain. I am scared to give my heart to another, he said so many things &
was always there for me. I wanted a future w him & thought he wanted the same after three years but he told me he can’t give me what I needed. Although, I believe he put more on himself due to his financial situation, he didn’t think he was good enough and
Told his BF he thinks I can do better. I didn’t want better he fulfilled me in e everyday except he could not commit to more than three days a week. He has so much going on in his life & was not allowing me to help him. I think it was too much for him. Sadly,since that day he refuses to speak w me about what happened literally from Monday am to Monday
Afternoon when he came home and said he cannot do this anymore. I have asked him to talk w me about what changed so quickly & he said he needs time. The hardest part is it was not just me he walked out on, I have two children from a previous marriage that loved him dearly and I know he did in return. I want to heal my heart, I don’t want to cry anymore. I have not only lost the love of my life but also my best friend! I gave him every ounce of my heart and soul he said so many wonderful things and treated me like I have never been treated. Sadly his actions spoke louder than his words. I fear I will not be able to trust other men I may date in the future. I’m scared and alone. Thank you for that prayer. It truly is where I am and what I needed to hear.
@Jennifer – Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jennifer. I know that God loves you and your children, and He will uphold your family through the many challenges you will face. I pray that you would always be under His care and protection and that God may send you trustworthy people who will be as angels to you along the way. God bless you!
I was living with my fiance and walked out on her for many reasons. I was gone for a week and realized how stupid I was. I apologized, begged and asked for forgiveness, she said she forgave me but refused to let me come back. I know i screwed up but she will not stop punishing me. I have stopped communicating with her because she continues to beat on me with verbal abuse. I have tried to make amends but it has gone to far and it is too painful for both of us. My heart is broken because she has allowed her daughter’s boyfriend fresh out of jail to move in. I love her and it breaks my heart that she wants to punsih me over and over. I start counseling soon, I don’t know how to move on. Please lord help me find my way, this is so painful, I still love her. HB
@Henry – I pray for you, Henry. May the good Lord heal your heart and assist you as you try to find the way to move on from here. Maybe you need some space apart for healing, and to better have a clear perception of the direction you both wanted to take in your life. There are times when it’s too painful to carry on without resting awhile. Be still for now Henry, and let God carry you when you can no longer carry on.
I rarely visit these type of websites. But for now I really need some prayers. The pain im feeling right now is so massive, I wanna take my heart out. 🙁
@e.r. – Hi Eric! You’ll be in our prayers. I hope that whatever you’re going through right now, you may find some quiet time to seek God’s presence in the stillness of your heart. God be with you! He loves you, you know. 😉
For 4 months I’ve been praying and reading for God’s comfort. The pain won’t seem to go away. I’ve been in a relationship for three years and then he left me ( i can relate in the prayer). Even though the pain still lives here in my heart, I know little by little Jesus is healing me. Full of trust in him, I know someday I’ll be okay again… I will never lose faith in believing that God will never stop doing good things for us, especially for those who are in pain. And let God’s anger take care for those who have wronged us. Lets live in a peaceful life and continue praying not just for ourselves but for others who are also in pain. Pray that we will always have the patience and faith, waiting for God’s perfect time to heal our hearts..=)
Almost four months have passed since the day when I arrived home and everything she owned was gone. As I sat there in tears, she came back for last minute items she had forgotten not expecting me to be back so soon. Her only explanation was that she could no longer stay with me out of pity. If only she would’ve shared these feelings earlier so that we could work on problems i never even knew had. As the weeks went by I shed not a single tear only feeling the anger and resentment. After “first date” number four, I was driving home and realized i was still in love with her and had not grieved the way i should have. The only thing that has kept me waking up every morning is my four year old son. I read this prayer and broke down in many tears. I will keep my faith in him so that he may mend my broken heart. Even after all this suffering, I wish upon her no ill will. All I ask is for strength and the will to keep going forward.
@Gabe – I pray that God may indeed strengthen you during these tough times. Know that having loved someone is to have had a great opportunity to leave a meaningful imprint upon your own soul and upon another’s. You have loved, and you’ve been blessed for having done so. I admire you for wishing her no illwill, it only shows that you have truly loved.
Today may be the time God desires you to have a little rest and to renew your strength. It’s not wrong to also love ourselves so we can continue loving other people in the future. You deserve to be loved, too. And maybe this was just a way to let go of something good for something really better, for someone who can respect you and love you more.
Kind Regards,
This prayer hits very close to home for me. I have been dealing with so much heartbreak in the past couple of months that I am barely surviving. I cry everyday, all day until the tears dry up. My brother passed away unexpectedly at the age of 27 on 12/19/10. If that wasn’t hard enough, my husband who I have been with for nine years left me about four months after that. He couldn’t give me a reason for why he didn’t want to be with my anymore, and he hasn’t talked to me for four months since then. He has a new phone number, I don’t know where he lives, I just don’t understand what happened. I was taken by complete shock. My whole life the past nine years has been with him. Everything I have I own with him, and now it’s all gone and I don’t know what to do.
Going back to my brothers death, his wife, my sister-in-law decided to take my niece and move away to GA. I feel like I have lost everything. I went from having a very close family of seven, to it just being me and my parents. I have also lost my husbands family and friends. The problem is that I gave up everything for him. He had a drinking problem in the early stages of our relationship, so I gave up all of my friends that drank, so I could be with him. Now when I need him most he is gone and I don’t have any friends. I gave my whole world to him only to be crushed. I was happy to do it, I loved him and I know he needed my support. I’m not completely innocent in all of this though. I have fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism, so I have been sick for the latter parts of our relationship and he has taken care of me. Last year I was taking pain pills on advice from a dr and didn’t realize I was addicted until I got really sick and couldn’t take them in October. I hurt him, because I was mean to him and all I wanted to do was sleep.
The problem is that I know I screwed up, and he says he has given me all these chances, but I really didn’t know about them. I just need to be forgiven. I need a chance to prove to him I have changed. The worst part about it all, was that right before my brother passed I wasn’t sick anymore. I had weaned off the pain pills. Stopped taking a bunch of medication I was taking and was feeling amazing. I was ready to move into our new home together and start over after our “rough” patch. Because he hasn’t talked to me I don’t know what is going on in his head. To everyone else it’s obvious, he doesn’t want to talk to me, he has gone out of his way to do it. But he won’t divorce me either, because when he left he said he wanted to take care of me. I told him he can’t have it both ways, but in that conversation he just left me crying in the driveway of my parents house. I shouldn’t still want him back, but I do. My heart actually hurts. I don’t feel whole anymore. The hard part it that I know he isn’t the same person he was, but I keep praying that he will get over his funk and go back to being that person. I guess I should mention in Feb. he told me he was really depressed and started taking anti-depressants. So I know he is not the same, but he won’t let me in.
I don’t know if I should keep praying for him, or just to give up. I have been praying ever since he first mentioned the words split up, but the pain has only gotten worse. I don’t have my brother to talk to, who was my best friend, even though I know he is looking down on me from heaven. My niece was my little best friend and she is all but gone, it’s not the same. She lived with my parents from the time she was two months old until now and she is 3 years and 8 months old. Then my sister-in-law who I became even more close with after my brother died isn’t here either.
I’m 30, I feel like this is the worst age to be single. All of my friends either still party and go to bars, or are settling down, having kids and I feel stuck. I don’t have a job because I was sick, I’m living with my parents, and I have a best friend who lives in NJ.
Please pray for me because I’m giving up hope. The hurt instead of getting better is getting worse and worse. I feel more alone everyday and my heart breaks a little more each day. God bless you all for being there for other people. This site has given me so much comfort.
now,I’m very pain because my heart broken.
I don’t know ,what should I do? I’m so weakness and hopeless.
Please pray for me, I need help and suggestion from God.
thanks for your share story that closed to me
@Kaew – I pray for you, it may be difficult for now, but with God’s help you can come out of this a stronger person. Spend more time with God, He will strengthen you and give you the grace to carry on. God bless!
Now am so much in pain, the man i love dont want me and love me anymore. I did everything to win him back yet he still insist he fall out of love…I need the lord to heal my broken heart its so much in pain..=(
@Mariane Charmi Musong – I’m glad you already did everything to win him back. It only means you will no longer have any regrets and you can now move on to face a better life. The pain will linger awhile, but God is certain to be with you. Don’t give up, there will come a time when this too, shall pass away, and you will be able to look forward to a happier life with people who will truly care for you. Be blessed!
Please pray for me. My boyfriend of 7 years cheated on me and we have a 3 year old son together. I just can’t get over the hurt and pain we were playing to get married. He keeps on lying to methat he doesn’t talk to her but I caught the together. I doont know whatto do anymore. Please pray for me.
Yes, I will pray for you, Marie! Be strong, you need to be strong for your son and for yourself. I really believe that you know what to do, you just have to do it with the firm conviction that God is with you and that your happiness does not depend upon people that cannot be relied upon. There is nothing to look back to anymore except pain and frustration. If you let go, you’d be able to look forward to many beautiful things in your life, including people who will truly love you and help you. Be blessed!
Thank you for your post. It rings such a similar path that I have been faced with. But now, I am left broken hearted after 8 months and I am finding it harder to move on when I need to. Being left with financial burdens that I cannot even begin to explain. We have two children and were on our way to marriage and now I am a newly single mother. Just when I think things are looking up, something seems to get in the way! Even praying for myself and my children, just doesn’t seem enough. I am losing faith and hope and ask for your help in prayer.
@Tru – I pray for you now. Don’t lose heart, all is not yet lost. Sometimes, it’s when it’s darkest when things are just about to turn better. Cling more to God and He will give you the strength to carry on. God bless!
Thank you so much for all your prayers. My ex left me four months ago and I read this one every night. Its been so hard he has moved on and its so painful. I can’t let go but I prayer daily for my prayers to be answered. Your such a positive person and am so grateful for these beautiful prayers.
@Christina – You’re welcome, Christina! Time will soon heal your wounds, you just have to be strong for now. Trust in God because He has a good plan for you 🙂 There are things that are painful for the moment but in time will reap for us blessings we never thought we could have.
I feel so much pain right now. My husband although were not married betrays me with the knowledge of his parents. He had another girl since I was pregnant with our son. I want to make revenge. It really hurts for me coz I still love him but he refused to love me back. I love my son so much. Please pray and help me.
@Joan Cortez – Yes I will pray for you, Joan. Be comforted in God’s unconditional love. There are things that hurt us so much that we want those who hurt us to also feel our pain. Maybe someday they will, we could never really know. But let us not let them dictate the state of our emotions. Let us free ourselves from their power that keep us from finding our own joy.
I have done everything for him, I gave him all the love that I can give. I trusted him with all my heart. I do not deserved all the pain that he gave me. He does not even care for our son. I have done all the sacrifices in our relationship but I was the one who feels the pain and he who brought the pain seems so happy with the other girls. I just keep on praying that one day we will forget him and soon. I hope he could realized the mistakes he did. I hate him so much.
i feel like i wrote this prayer. my husband left me two days ago after five years of being married and fourteen years of being together. i thought we were happy, we argue sometimes but seldom fight, we share the same interest, we would always do things together. we never had any major problems. our families get along. i have always been proud of the kind of relationship i thought we had and friends would envy us for the relationship we shared. but over the past months i noticed small changes which i ignored at first. when confronted he just told me he wasnt happy anymore and he doesnt love me anymore. i felt my whole world crashed right before my eyes. when somebody you love will all your heart tells you that he doesnt love you anymore, how do you respond? he never even gave us a chance to fix whatever was wrong.i know of couples who’s had problems bigger than our but have managed to stay together. but he said his decision to leave is final. and he did. i’ve been crying for two days now. nights are worse because i feel more alone when i go home to our empty house. i cry myself to sleep. when i wake up and realize that he is not beside me, i start to cry again. i see pictures and things around the house that remind me of us, and i cry. why is love never equal? what did i do to deserve this? i want to fight for our marriage because marriage is a scared union and i believe that in marriage the love should always be bigger than any problem that comes along. but i dont know if he feels the same way. and i am afraid to be hurt even more if I try to find out. maybe i should just accept that he doesnt love me anymore. because how can you hurt somebody you love, right? i would never hurt him in the way that he is hurting me now. i wouldn’t wish for him to feel the pain that i am feeling. should i fight for us or accept my reality? please pray for me.I still care for him and i worry for him still. i’ve known him for 16 years and was with him for the last 14. i know he has a lot of things on his mind too. so please pray that he finds his happiness if the happiness that he seeks leads him back to me, i will be here for him. if not, i hope to find peace and happiness too. its been the longest two days of my life and every new day is worse than the day before.
hi joyce i typed in my email erroneously. please send your replies here. thank you in advanc. God bless.
Dear Gina,
I hope you were able to have a better day today. I have received your letter, and I understand how difficult it is to move on with a broken heart. I wish I merely possessed some magic pill to take away all your pain, but I guess all that I have is a heart that could listen to your cries. For what its worth, know that you are never alone. In your loneliest hours, know that God is with you. Before you even knew pain, He already suffered and died for you and He understands everything you’re going through.
For now, all we could do is to entrust everything to Him in prayer. I could never stop your tears from falling, but know that there is One who catches your every tear.
You have loved with all your heart and it wasn’t returned. Know that God has also loved with all His heart and yet it was also broken. He gave everything, and they took away even His life.
I do not have the answers, I just know the One who does, and we can all go to Him when we can’t understand anymore everything that’s happened to us.
Just for today, set your eyes upon Him, and away from those people who caused you pain. You can build your world again. You can start your life again. You will undergo much pain but it will only make you stronger and wiser, and more capable of love. Never give up. With God, you’d be much stronger and braver than you ever thought you could be. Be blessed!
Yours In Prayer,
thank you Joyce… i am facing each day differently, there are days when i want to fight and days when i just want to give up and accept. somehow sharing my thoughts here have done me some good. i dont have the courage to share what i am going through with my family and not even with my closest friends. how can i explain to them something that i myself am unable to understand? i know that just like me, they will be surprised. up until now, i am carrying this burden on my own. i pray and pray and pray that i will find the answers to my questions, Joyce. i never imagined my life to turn around like this. my world revolves around him and i cannot imagine myself being with anyone else. And these are the same thoughts that make it even more painful since he doesn’t feel the same way.
i know that i will be ok someday. but for now the pain is still too much for me to even think about my someday without my husband. please continue to pray for me. thank you for your words of advise, somehow i feel lifted by the promise that this will make me stronger, and that God will lead me to the right direction.
i hope someday i’ll be able to come back to you to let you know how i’ve weathered the storm, and that i am happy again.
God bless you Joyce.
i feel the same one day he just got up and left never cameback its been 4 1/2 months. he didnt even try to fioght for us. our kids meant nothing to him. he likes the street life3 and all that it implies. I am so broken i dont even know how to piece back together..
[…] Relationship Related Posts: A Broken Heart’s Prayer A Prayer Letting Go 100 Tips in Healing a Broken Heart Are You Facing a Challenge in Your […]
[…] Relationship Related Posts: A Broken Heart’s Prayer A Prayer Letting Go 100 Tips in Healing a Broken Heart Are You Facing a Challenge in Your […]
[…] Relationship Related Posts: A Broken Heart’s Prayer A Prayer Letting Go 100 Tips in Healing a Broken Heart Are You Facing a Challenge in Your […]
in a relationship for 18 months…and was betrayed by whom i thought would love me despite all odds….he made me and my family feel that he was the one…he told us how he wanted to someday marry me…and that he was a one womens man..well turned out he was none of thee above…he left me for another women ….took his clothes when i wasn’t there and left…coward…now he wants to be FRIENDS………………REALLY!!!
i love all of these quotes <3
I love this prayer because I am going through the same. I have given everything to the man I love and in return he does not appreciate me or loves me the way I deserve. I called and left a message that for him not to call me or text me. I later on realized that I was so hurt and angry but I did not mean it. He never called me back and I love him so much. The hardest part is missing him and being with him. I wish things would change but I am hurt. I have been to church and cried out all my pain and sorrows. How can he be so cruel? I know there is a saying, if you love someone so much, let them go! It is so painful but in the end it was for the best. I hope everyone who is suffering this way to learn they are not alone. We can get through this with God’s love for us!
I am going trough this I feel as if my heart will never heal so lonely and missing him so much I truely loved him and not once but twice he broke my heart!!
Am hurt, and felt useless before i met this prayer. i thank God for this powerful message that he is given me.. if today,am more strong to deal with the situation, its jux because i know no matter what my God will be there for me.
I love this prayer because I am going through the same. I have given everything to him but he has done alot for me when i needed him the most but i am afraid i dont know if he really love my heart is worry and i love him I know there is a saying, if you love someone so much, let them go! It is so painful but in the end it was for the best. I hope everyone who is suffering this way to learn they are not alone. We can get through this with God’s love for us!
Please for me. My boyfriend of 3 years left me. I really really love me. After all the lies he said and done to me
I still forgive and give so many chances. But when I did/say something to me he didn’t give me a chance to fix things. It was so painful. He blocked me. I can’t text him or call him. He didn’t even reply on my emails. I always pray to God to help me heal my broken heart. I do not want to punish myself anymore. I want to moveon. Buy I dont where and when and how to start. Maybe I’m pushing my self or I’m still believing that we are gonna be back together that’s why I am hurting so much. I can’t control my mind and my feelings right now. Yesterday I said to myself that I’m going to moveon. But today I’m missing him so much. I try to beg for him to comeback. But still no reply. Please pray for me. I really want to stop this.
Thank you and God bless us all.
This prayer is just perfect. I pray for everyone on this sire that is hurting
Like me. May we all realize how loved we are by God and how lovable we all are people are and soon will be by someone who truly deserve our heart soul and spirit. God made the new person who we are all soon to meet and this person will be close to God like we are . May God handpick the perfect mate for all of us and may we all eternally grateful to God for new love . Amen.
Lord I ask for your help to heal my broken heart . I’m reaching a point the pain and loneliness is becoming to much to bare and losing all hope my relationship will ever change. Lord I know I’m not perfect but you and I both know that my love is true and because of that I forgive and forgive over and over again but how long can one continue to forgive infidelity, lies, broken promises? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve cried myself to sleep because of the same pain. The not knowing what tomorrow will bring or be taken away from me. Lord I beg you to give me the strength I need to walk away from this relationship or give me the tools to fix what needs to be fixed in order to keep my family together . Lord only you know the emptiness and heartache one endures due to an absent parent. The last thing I want is for my daughter to experience the same kind of pain. Lord please help me begging you to help me and anyone else who needs to be healed from a broken heart .
Lord, I am in so much pain right now. I’ve been hurt again with the only man I have ever loved. The man whom every time I look at him, I only see my dreams, he is a dream, the only man I’ve ever wished for.
Lord, please help me heal. Please teach me how to let go. How can an angel hurt me so bad? How can he not love me back?
I just want to move on. I’m falling into depression after I thought I’ve healed from him. Why did he come back? He hurt me again, and i pray I will make it.
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Please remember me. I gave this man three years of my life. Helped him get back into his home, helped him get two cars and helped him get a lawer so he could his license back. Gave him a phone to call me. Helped him get his son a car. Put up with his lying, hiding things, hanging out with people from his past. Being around other women. Putting up with his ex wife’s abuse. Tuesday he is suppose to get his license back. He no longer needs me. Pray that I can overcome all this. That one day he will realize what he had. That he will feel the pain and sorrow he made me feel. He claims he still loves me, wish I could believe him. Hope that he will always remember me, that no matter who he gets with, that I will always be in his memory. That he will regret what he has done to me.
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