Dear Jesus, I come to you now with a broken heart and a weary spirit. I dont know how I can carry on each day knowing that a part of me had already gone, never ever to return. Can I ever be complete again? Can I ever smile again at the coming of a new day? Day after day I miss him more and more. Day after day my longing grows but it can never be fulfilled. How can I possibly live my life again? How do I overcome this feeling that I am now all alone and I shall always be alone or the rest of my life?
How do I let go? The places we’ve been to, the celebrations we had together, they will never be the same. The emptiness in my heart is so big I can no longer breathe sometimes.
Help me O God! The pain of separation seems more painful to me than death itself. I don’t know how much longer I can carry on. Help me carry on this day Lord. Help me to let go, I pray. Though I may not forget, help me to remember how you have always carried me through. Though the pain may not yet go away, assist me in carrying this cross with hope in my heart.
Let me not forget the people who love me and assist me in this hour of need. May I find strength in them, consolation in the generosity of their hearts. And whenever I’m afraid, let there always be a hand to hold on to, a smile to brighten up my path. Send down your angels Lord and may I recognize your hand upon your every gift and blessing. Give me something to do that I may not feel useless, yet teach me also to rest knowing all will be well after the long dark night.
You are my Rock and my Provider, Savior and Defender, Friend and Lover who will never ever let me down. You will lead me through this day. You will fill my every hour with peace, my every moment with thoughts of your love. I cannot bear the burdens of tomorrow but I will offer you all that I have today. Today is yours O God. This moment is yours. Embrace me and take my hand. I am in your heart. I am safe. I am loved.

49 replies on “A Prayer Letting Go”
Thank you.
thank you for this prayer, i know this will be a big help…
Reading this prayer today helped me in more ways than you can imagine. Thank you and God bless.
Thanks! Be blessed :-)hope to hear more from you these coming days
I am in this situation right now. And i really appreciate this prayer and i know it will help me to carry also my own burden…
Thank you very much
Thank you. Thank you Jesus. Jocelyn. I was losing my husband for my ridiculous ungrounded fears and suspicions… I feel how it is to lose one you love so much…
God bless you
God bless you my sister. thank you fro writing thsi wonderful prayer… in Christ
i am somoved with the prayer
just what i needed @ the moment.. thank u for sharing this prayer. more power to you.
Thank you so much!
Dear Jocelyn, Thank You for this beautiful prayer It came at the right time I was crying so hard and I know God lead me to this prayer. It’s exactly how I feel, my husband of thirty eight years just died three months ago. Please pray for me I can not ajust without him.
Hi, wonderful prayer, thank you so much, although, I was just curious if there was a spelling error because I don’t want to say the prayer wrong. In the first paragraph one sentence appears like this: “How do I overcome this feeling that I am now all alone and I shall always be alone or the rest of my life?” Is there supposed to be a and F in front of the word ‘or’? Is it meant to read as: “How do I overcome this feeling that I am now all alone and I shall always be alone FOR the rest of my life?” Thanks, please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you for this prayers, specially today I need it so much and I really do to special someone I really love I’m a broken heart one,This prayer help me so much…..
It is d thank you for this wonderful prayer, you captured my exact feelings and emotions – thank you for sending out your love and compassion to those in need – take care! God bless
@ruby-anne – You’re very welcome, Ruby! Glad to see you here. God bless you always and keep in touch ๐
Dear Joyce,
I have been saying this prayer for a week after the incident I told you about. It is really helping me move on with life. Everything is slowly returning to its normal phase and I am working for a full healing of memories and spirit. May God bless you more for you are helping people who are going through rough times see that there is more to life.
Dear Marianne,
Thank you for your feedback. I really do wish you the best. Healing will take time, but let us be patient as we allow God to work in us. ๐ I have just posted a new poem which you may also like to read TO BELIEVE WHAT THE EYES CANNOT SEE
Dear Joyce
It’s still august 8th here, and that is my b-day. Noticed after i sent that 1st message that it said it was the 9th. It’s the 8th here and this my b-day. I hope to hear from you.I’m emotionally wrecked and am under alot of depression. The woman i”ve loved for 5 years left me. It’s all my fault too. I didn’t listen to her. Treated her like a Slave when i should have Treated Her LIKE A QUEEN. I could have mad time for my gamin habits but mo. Soon as i woke, my games were on until i went to sleep. I really LOVE and MISS Her. WITH ALL MY HEART. This separation is Eatin me up from the inside and seems to be gettin worse. My chest hurts, my head hurts from constantly thinkin about them, my daughter and EX. It feels like someone has a Tazer to the back of my head. I’m lost and confussed, depressed. So alone on my B-day. I hope, I REALLY pray to god that she gives me a chance. I wanna change for her. I don’t wanna lose her but it’s happened. I’m really beatin myself up over this. I could sure use words of wisdom and strength, Thanks for listenin Take it Easy and GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU
Dear Charlie,
I have a reply to your other comment. I hope you were able to read it at the homepage
God bless you and happy birthday!
Kind Regards,
Hi miss joyce..This is the first time to drop by in your site. I was thankful for the wonderful prayer that you wrote. This prayer help me so much to think of letting go of him.It’s been months since me and my bf broke up. I starting to move on..
I’m glad to hear that, Karyn! God bless you and lead you into the wonderful life he desires you to have ๐
hello jo…its been an empty night …hoping there would be someone to talk to …so i typed in yahoo about prayer for a single woman whn i read your prayer i was crying…really its hard to be alone but wht can i do? its only Jesus Christ the perfect lover so now whn feeling empty i will read prayers for single woman so tht i can cry then after crying feeling fine…….
Dear Joyce,
I was wondering if you could be my prayer companion. I am a broken hearted soul. I know it feels/sounds like a cliche, but I feel like I could never be happy again. Idont know what to do and what God wants for me in my life. I hope you still want to pray for me eventhough I am gay.
Please hear my story:
I have been in love with 1of my seniors at work. He is a caring, compassionate man who likes to help people including myself. He is a good Christian man and I absolutely love and adore him. I would do anything/make any excuses just to be with him.But I know for sure I could never express my feelings for him. He is a straight guy. He was married with 2 kids and the world looked rosy for him and his wife. I was contend to just love him from a distant and very happy for them.
However, life turned sour for him 5 years ago. He is now separated from his wife. This really devastated him. I was really sad for him and just could not bear seeing him in despair. I tried to be closer to him to console him and support him during his darkest time. However, during this time, I developed a stronger love and relationship with him. He doesnt know this at all. I went to the same church as him and joined all of his church and sporting activities just to be closer to him.
I know for sure that I will never be able to be with him and fill that void in his heart. Finally after 5 years of separation he and his wife decided to formerly divoce and remain as good friends. He is ready to move on. In fact he is now becoming quite close to another lady at the church. I know this lady is a caring woman and I think they could care, love and honour each other as a christian husband and wife they deserve to be..While I am happy for him to have hope in life again, at the same time, this is also devastating me as well. I feel like I am losing him and I cant bear the thought of not being able to spend time with him as he is becoming less and less available for me. One day I am sure if they decide to be together in marriage, I am afraid I would lose him completely. I love him so much that it hurts sometimes. I just dont feel like waking up in the morning and when I reached my lowest point of depression, I felt like my life is not worth it anymore. I dont want to go down that path because that is 1 of the greatest sins.
So, I have been trying to pray to God to give me the strength and courage to let him go. Be happy for him and with him, for he is beginning to find love and hope in life again. Please pray for me so that God can give me the peace and acceptance to this reality. That the Lord has a wonderful plan for my friend and also for me.
Thanks Joyce for hearing me. I have never been able to tell this to anyone. So it helps to be able to get this out of my chest and have somebody (I hope) to really pray for what I am going thru.
Dear Jonathan,
I am with you in prayers. I know its so difficult right now,but stay strong. God’s grace and mercy is infinite,and He casts away no one.
In fact, I think you have a very good idea of how infinite and unconditional is His love. You have experienced how to love without expecting anything in return. You also know how to love and to continue loving someone eventhough it already hurts so much. God’s love is like that,and it’s so much more, infinitely more!
It’s hard to understand how someone can love so much without being loved back,without being noticed. But that’s how God has loved us all this time.
Go to Him. He knows your pain,and He is going to meet you right where it hurts the most. God bless you!
Yours In Prayer,
Dear Joyce,
Thank you so much for wanting to pray for me. Your kind words have really touched me and what you said about God is true. His love and mercy for me and my friend is infinite.
I am sure no matter how dark my life is now, I will get thru this valley knowing that God will embrace with with open arms always.
Thank you so much for hearing me. I feel a bit better knowing that there is someone out there knowing what i am really going thru and praying with me.
Thanks Joyce.
Dear Joyce,
It has been almost 2 weeks since I wrote my last letter to you.
I have been praying fervently to Him to strengthen me to let my loved one go. But day by day, the pain just grows even stronger. I am happy that he has found a new and happy life. But why cant I be happy for him? I love him very much.
I know that if I trully love him, I should be happy for him to build the kind of life he desires. What God has prepared for him…
Every day just rolls by without meaning. Sorry Joyce, i am beginning to think that i am losing this battle…….
please continue to pray for me…..
Dear Jonathan,
I will continue to pray for you! Don’t give up, even if the burden seems unbearable at times, it may just be the moment that we’re actually becoming stronger. So fight on.
They say that habits take at least 30 days to be built, so let’s continue until we make a new one, which is focusing on other things other than focusing on the person we’ve lost. Maybe God wants you to focus on yourself, on how you should also be loved and cared for. Try to focus on that little by little. If even that is hard, try to focus on God. I know He will never let you down. ๐
Yours In Prayer,
Dear Joyce,
Thank you for continuing to pray for me.
This morning he told me that he is very happy that he has moved on and he thanked me for being there for him when he was at his lowest point 5 years ago. He is ready to embrace this new love/relationship with her. He also said that he would still want to include me in his new life and wont abandon our friendship.
Honestly, my heart sank when I heard that. I am happy for him that he is happy and things could only go upward and forward for him. But I know deep in my heart I am hurting…. I put on a happy face and I hugged him as I said my goodbye to him in my heart. I know I will always love him from a distant and its not easy to get over it.
Letting go is not easy….. but maybe you are right God also loves me…..even with my flaws…. I dont know where to go from here, but I will try to focus on myself and God…. I know my friend doesnt want to see me sad.. Clinging to God….
can you teach me how to pray…?
Dear Jonathan,
I’m happy to hear how you’re trying to pray and seek God’s love for you, which is there even if we don’t feel it yet. It is said that the Holy Spirit Himself will teach us how to pray in times when we don’t even know how to pray. I guess we should just make time to be silent for a while and to be in God’s Holy Presence.
You could begin by telling Him honestly how you feel, things you may not be able to confide to anyone else. He appreciates that. If you’re angry or frightened or hurt, just tell Him, because He can’t meet us where we need Him most if we don’t allow Him to be there. Acknowledge all your needs and emptiness, ask for the deepest desires of your heart and let Him show you how to receive it. Tell Him honestly that you’re tired and you don’t know anymore where to go, that only He could possibly lift you up where you are. Tell Him you trust Him. Tell Him all that you need right now is to feel that you are loved. Be blessed!
Yours In Prayer,
Thanks Joyce…
I dont know you but you have trully been a good friend to me. It is not a coincidence that I stumbled on your website.
Thanks….. I will try to pray in whatever ways I know how to pray.
Greetings from Down Under New Zealand Joyce!!! ๐
Just want to let you know that I have been feeling better for the last 2 days. I know its not much but I think I am slowly coming up from my valley.
I would like to share briefly my day:
Today, after the church service, my friend asked me to have lunch with him, his new partner and the the rest of their family. Everybody was laughing, joking together and we all enjoyed each others company. I could see a big smile on my friend’s face. Something that I havent really seen for the last 5 years. That smile really gave me comfort and peace. I know God has answered my prayer to give my friend blessings filled with love and happiness.
Joyce, i do admit I was (… well …I still am) worried that someday when my friend gets remarried, he will forget me completely. If that happens,…. I am fine now….. cuz I know my friend is very much in love, and will have a happy and full life he deserves. I hugged my friend and his partner as I left his house in peace.
I know God still loves me…. even with all my broken bits…. A new chapter of my life is about to be unfold. I am very previlleged to have the opportunity to love and having friendship with my friend. i surely will always cherish that.
I hope in time, everything will fall into its place….in His own time.
Thanks for prayers Joyce.
Your friend
Dear Jonathan,
I’m happy to hear from you! I’m glad that you are doing well and feeling God’s great love for you. It’s exciting how that new chapter in your life is already unfolding! ๐ Don’t miss out on all of God’s blessings for He has in store very great things for those who believe in His love. Whatever happens, Jonathan, believe that God only wants the best for you. Many times, we don’t even know what’s best for us, and He is just so good to guide us so we can find true joy. Be guided always both by His mercy and His justice. God bless you!
Yours In Prayer,
Hi Joyce,
I am going to do some soul searching trip and will be leaving until after the new year. I have to say, I do still miss my friend every day. But everything is turning out for the best!!
I just would like to thank you for your prayers. You have trully understood what I went thru. Thanks for being my friend.
So, before I go, I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and Happy New year 2012!!
I dont know where I am going in this so called life journey, but I am hoping to survive and become a winner on the other end with Him.
God bless u!!
Hi Jonathan! A very merry Christmas and blessed new year to you, too! ๐ I’m happy to hear you’re looking forward to an exciting trip this season. I really wish you all the best, especially God’s best for your life, enjoy! ๐
Hi Joyce,
Its Johnathan here. I just recently came back from my trip.It was an incredible trip and I saw a lot of great things and opportunities God has to offer in my life.
I have come back to work fully now and it was not long until the intensity of work has caught up with me. This year, work will require to go to places that I have never been before and it is certainly out of my comfort zone.
I still miss my friend dearly…every single day. Some days I make good progress, but there are times where I felt I made 2 steps backward in letting go of my friend. I can still feel the pain.But probably this is how God is helping me to get thru my healing process. Being busy certainly helped me to put my mind away.I am thankful for the ups and downs I felt last year and I am thankful to God for you who is willing to pray for me anbd other starngers you met in this cyber world.
Please bring me in your prayer cuz I surely need it.
yours sincerely
Hello Jonathan!
I’m happy about your trip and about how things are going on in your life right now. Temporary setbacks will test our strength and our perseverance for growth, but I know that you can overcome them, especially with God’s help! Take things one day at a time and you will be strong enough to carry on. I will continue to pray for you, you deserve to be truly happy and to be loved.
Hi Joyce,
Its Johnathan again here. Just want to let you know that my life is progressing rather nicely. The new position that I have started in the company requires me to travel quite a lot and life has been filled with new activities and people. I am only at home 2 weeks in a month. But thats okay. I am trying to enjoy the opportunity God has given me to fully appreciate life.
I caught up with my dear friend over the weekend. It got me to think…that love is funny… No matter what I do or where ever I go,I will never forget him. I still love him haha …always. He told me that he is now engaged and planning to get married at the end of the year. He wants me to be his best man!!! It took time for me to get this idea to sink in. But obviously, I said yes and it would be my honour. Deep down, I still feel a bit ……well, sigh…cant put it into words….But…. I love him too much to not be involved on his special day. He is and will always be my dearest friend. My prayers will always be with him and his new life.
Life is surely funny sometimes. With its all ups annd downs, I will always be grateful to Him.
I hope you too are doing well.
Your cyber friend…..
Hello Jonathan!
Glad to hear from you again. ๐ It really sounds like you’re moving on and is even able to transition into this new role as his friend, even his bestman for that matter ๐
Even though you’re busy, I sense that you’re able to handle everything well, life is going well with you. I wish you more strength, more love and more blessings to add to your long list of fabulous things.
With Love,
Haha, thanks Joyce,
My business trip hasbeenan eye opener.
But I admit sometimes I feel I made 1 step forward and 2stepsbackward. I know…. its alla process and will take time. But I still do miss him every single day..haha. silly me.
Hoping that the lent season will also give me time to repent and reflect all the goodness God has given me.
Anyway, stay blessed ๐
Hi Joyce, those little changes on this page looks good. Compliments! Stay Blessed! ๐
Ms. Joyce,
Thank you for sharing this!
I hope that this would help me ease the pain i am going through….
I do hope that it could somehow bring comfort, Fymmyles. Blessings!
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Dear Joyce,
It has been a while since I last wrote you about my life. I hope you will still remember me. I think I am doing well. I am losing weight, gaining my confidence back and I think I can slowly move on with my life. Everyday, I miss my friend a little less and I am grateful that God gave me an opportunity to move on (albeit slowly..) . Thru work, I was relocated for a couple months in Canada. It was just me and God and I had some time to think about what I want in life. I am constantly improving myself and have been doing things/hobbies that I had never tried in the past.
I am now back safely in New Zealand and I am still feeling His peace with me. I a trying to live my life with a gentle stride and wait whatever God has prepared for me in the future.
Please keep on praying for me. Will do the same for you and your cyber ministries ๐
Thank you so much my cyber friend!
How do you heal a broekn heart?
They said time heals all wound, but why mine is becoming more painful as time passed by ๐
I need to live again but my heart has been torn into pieces that I dont know how can I piece it back again.
Oh God give me a reason, Im down on bended knees.
Hi, Rhea! Sometimes, even the healing process is painful.ย We may think that nothing is happening, but underneath the pain, God is there, healing us and working out something for our good.ย
hi Joyce…moving on is very hard. Every piece of my heart is broken into pieces. It’s been a year, and yet I can’t move on. I don’t know how to start. When i start thinking of letting go of him, i feel like dying. Please pray for me to overcome this feeling. It is really hard, and I can’t control the pain and the anger. Thank you. Please inspire us more.