What should you think about when you’re pondering about your resignation? During such times, you would hear a lot of advice from other people. Some would try to persuade you to reconsider, they’d say it will be difficult to start over again. Some would inspire you to carry on, be the best you can be and achieve financial freedom. But no matter how well intentioned these people are, only you have the final say, and it is only you who knows the challenges, the difficulties, the perks and opportunities that will arise based onyour decision.
Here are some of the things you might consider:
What’s good about holding your present position
You already have a stable source of income. No need to fear losing what you have.
You know the people you’re working with already. No matter how bad you sometimes felt them to be, you know they aren’t sent by the devil just to make life miserable for you.
You already know your job and can perform it even with your eyes closed.
You have the opportunity to move on to the next higher position.
What’s bad about staying where you are
You can already picture your entire life before you because you already know all of those things above.
You no longer feel you’re growing and improving as a person.
You feel that the amount of money you can earn is already limited to what the environment could provide.
You drag yourself to work each morning, you no longer have any motivation of surpassing your previous achievements.
What’s challenges will you face when you resign?
You will try to fit in again and adjust to new people.
You will have a lot of things to learn and to do.
You may not be able to immediately find a job you like.
You may feel bored and lose your confidence.
What opportunities will come your way when you do resign?
You will have renewed motivation in life.
You will have a chance to earn more than what you could only imagine in your previous employment.
You will have the chance to meet new mentors and friends who will support you in your undertakings.
You will have te chance to be yourself and be the best you can be.
After all these questions, just ask yourself this: IS IT WORTH IT?
And whatever you may decide on, accept that there will be a transition phase. Even when you decide not to resign, you will have to realign your perspective and see your situation in a whole new way in order for you not to succumb to frustration. Be patient. Don’t lose hope. When you know what you truly want, it will be worth it.

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