They say that love is difficult. They say that it will consume you, all of you, and that you will never be the same again.
You will be exposed to heartaches. You will experience pain, pain unlike the ones you’ve experienced before.
They say that once you love, there can be no turning back. Once your eyes are opened, you can never close them again. You’d have departed your childish innocence, that fairy tale world where nothing ever goes wrong and nothing ever comes unexpected.
Love is difficult. Why desire it?
When you fall in love, you run the risk of having something, and of losing something. You run the risk of never viewing your nights the same way again.
If you lose the love you have sought, you will lose your quiet evenings, and they will be replaced with sleepless nights. You will always search for what you have lost. You will search for warm arms to embrace you, for sweet lips to kiss you, for gentle words to caress your neck. And who can bear missing such wonderful things?
Is it better therefore to remain as a child who knows nothing? Is it better to be innocent than to broken?
None can judge which is far better than the heart that needs to answer such things for herself.
They say that love is difficult. But it is not easiness that I seek. Life is a struggle in itself. Look where there is no struggle, and all you can see is a world bereft of life and of consciousness.
You can never truly lose anything unless you have possessed something first. You can never grieve of loss less you have possessed something great, something that gave value to your life.
Difficult as it is, love is wonderful, and it is worth all the troubles other people may try to warn you about. Living a full life, risking to lose something wonderful. To love is indeed the one purpose a person desires to live his life for. Life always chooses to be born, to be experienced, and to be aware of the beautiful path we walk upon each day.

One reply on “To Love is Difficult, Why Desire It?”
I read a little of your blog, and I loved every bit of it, except the overtly feel of religiousness in the blog. But would surely come back and read those words of utter enlightenment.