“Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value
than the most talented hypocrite.”
-Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Author: Jocelyn Soriano
See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.
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(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website itakeoffthemask.com)
There’ll be no snow in Africa
I recently read about the high crime rate in South Africa, something about 50 murders a day and 1 rape every minute! There were many theories for the reason behind such a condition, as the world seems to be perplexed in explaining to its own mind why this could be happening, what with the peace many experience in their own suburbs, away from those crimes, away from such dreaded darkness of the soul.
Yet can we really separate ourselves from everything that’s been happening? Can we always put the blame somewhere else saying unto ourselves we have nothing to do with it all?
There is a message our deafened ears need to be hearing, a message saying that when something as dark as this is happening, we should take a look and consider if we might be missing out on something. Is there something we should have been doing that we have failed to do?
Am I my brother’s keeper?
How can the very rich co-exist with the poorest of the poor and still deem himself holy while doing nothing for the sake of his brother?
Seems a bit shocking, but in my country this seems to be the case. For while beggars roam the streets for food or for whatever garbage to scavenge, the rich proudly and comfortably ride their luxurious cars, making their way every Sunday to Church to attend a mass where they proclaim their holiness as though they and they alone are God’s children, seeing not what suffering his brother is going through.
Each of us must illuminate and warm our surroundings. In this cold world we cannot suffice with warming ourselves by donning a fur coat. We must light a fire warming everyone around us.- Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Passing on
True humility
True humility is never seen as clearly as when one is starting out yet another path in one’s life. In that part of the journey, the soul is as meek as a child, as though learning to walk all over again, yet it is confident enough, knowing that it can certainly do it as he has done so, so many times before.