I give up anger that doesn’t serve me.
I give up worries that cannot help me.
And I give up the fears that keep me
from boldly reaching the dreams
Are You Reaching For a Dream?
A dream is a very important thing, it is like a seed one must plant and water and take care of so it can grow and bear fruit in time. When you find it, take care of it, protect it. Some people walk through life not even finding the seed they wanted to grow.
The Small Seed
Let a seed
be buried deep down into the ground
deep down where there is nothing
but darkness
and the smallness of the seed,
let it wait
let it face its greatest fears
for only in being buried
can it sprout forth with new life
only in the truth of its smallness
can it realize its power
to grow
to bear fruit
and to reach the highest heavens
Soaring High
Give me freedom, give me liberty no matter how much it may cost me, and I will pay for it! Set me free like a bird who is learning to fly. Let me go so that I may spread my wings! I may fall once, I may fall twice, I may fall so many times but I will not fall always. I will learn to fly!
If you will not let me go, how can I be strong? How can I live? How can I learn to rise from my fall, from my mistakes?
You may think seclusion shall protect me, but what you do not know is that boredom can kill me a hundred times more. It is more than stupor, it is worse than death.
Let me feel the hurt and the pain so that I may enjoy comfort. Let me experience sorrow so that I may have glorious happiness! It is better than being idle: like a stone that never knew what’s on the other side of the mountain, like a shell that never knew what’s on the other side of the sea.
Let me live, set me free. Let me be responsible for my own soul. Let me think, for I do have a mind. Let me feel, for I too, have a heart. Let me go, for He who made me is free!

2 replies on “Are You Giving Up?”
I love your inspiration here today, Joyce! Thank you for getting my day started on a positive, uplifting note.
Thank you, Martha! Have a great day 😉