Poems Spirituality Words of Wisdom

If I Could Have My Way

if I could have my way poem
Photo via flickr – slack12

If I Could Have My Way

If I could have my way, I’d be rich
I wouldn’t need to work anymore,
I’d have people working for me,
I’d be comfortable,
I’d buy the most beautiful house,
I’d travel to the most beautiful places.

But if I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how it is to be poor,
I wouldn’t have as much compassion
for those who hunger,
for those who work hard,
for those who couldn’t even find
some roof above their heads
when the rain starts to pour.

If I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how it is to be hurt,
I’d protect my heart all the way,
and give it to no one else.
I wouldn’t be vulnerable,
I wouldn’t cry,
I wouldn’t have sleepless nights
when my heart is broken
and my soul torn apart.

But if I could have my way,
I wouldn’t know how to suffer,
I wouldn’t know how to grieve
with those who mourn.
I would have lived a painless life,
but I would have lived empty
and without love.
I would have never known
how to comfort those who are broken.
I would never known
how to be comforted and healed.

There are many times in our lives, when we wonder what could happen, if we could have our way. Maybe some of us would wish never to grow up anymore and to be eternally young. We’d like to stay as innocent and beautiful children who have no worries to think about. Some of us wouldn’t want to get sick. We’d prefer to be always healthy and strong, never needing anyone to help us when we’re weak.

If we could have our way, we’d have so many things in our favour, but we’d also lose a lot of things that are given us in our present situation.

Nobody wants to experience hunger, to get sick, to grow old or to be broken. These are not things we would naturally seek. These are after all, the result of our parents’ sin when they fell from paradise long ago.

But God, in His wisdom, instead of merely eradicating such things, have chosen to bring even something better out of them.

God would not allow such great sufferings without being able to replace them with far greater joys!

Yes, it is good to remain as an innocent child. It is good to be exempt from pain. It is good never to have experienced sickness or death.

But there is wisdom in an older person that a child could never have. There is greater compassion in one who knew pain. There is a deeper happiness in one who got healed, and in one who is brought back to life.

Light that is untouched by darkness is good. But a Light that can be brought forth out of much darkness is a Light that could never be extinguished by any night, for in that Light, no evil could ever prevail.

“No longer is there death that cannot bring life, pain that cannot generate fullness, sadness that we cannot convert into profound joy.” – Surviving Depression


Quiet Days

Swing in the sunset Branford, CT. by slack12 at flickr
Swing in the sunset Branford, CT. by slack12 at flickr

Quiet Days

There are times when you have nothing much to say,
when silence is enough to witness your day,
and you need that space just to be
to live
to go on.

You see the world around you
as people go rushing about
to where they ought to go,
and you simply notice
and see
and accept.

Things from the past
are held safely
where they are cherished
but where
they do not disturb
the present moment.

Concerns of the future
are also held safely
where they are thought of
but where
they do not steal
any of
today’s joys.

The sun rises
where it ought to rise,
the sun sets
where it ought to retire.
All things happen as they should,
all things happen as they would.

And the quiet in our hearts
surpasses the noise of our times.
We have nothing much to say,
but our hearts are full,
and our souls are filled
with people and things
that truly satisfy.

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This Is It!

This Is It!

This Is It!

This is it!
It’s make or break,
It’s forward or backward,
It’s sink or swim,
and it’s focusing on the light ahead,
instead of fearing the raging tides.

Go ahead.
Reach ahead.
Claim your prize
for your years of toil!
Fear not.
Doubt not.
Retreat not.
This is the moment
you’ve long been waiting for!


In God’s Perfect Time

In God's Perfect TimeIn God’s Perfect Time

In God’s perfect time,
every pain shall be comforted,
every tear wiped away.
All our wounds shall be healed,
all our fears cast away,
in God’s perfect time.

In God’s perfect time,
all the good we did shall be revealed,
and what was whispered in the darkness
shall be broadcast aloud in the light.
Every sacrifice made in secret
shall be revealed,
in God’s perfect time.


What You’ve Always Wanted To Do!

what you've always wanted to doWhat Do You Really Want To Do?

There is something that you really wanted to do
Something that whispers gently from within you
Something urging you to move, to try, to cry, to rise again and to keep on trying
This may not be that thing you’ve made yourself to believe for a long time
or that thing the people around you have wanted you to believe
This is something authentic
This is something from who you really are
Will you allow this day to pass without ever finding it?
Will you allow this life to pass without ever claiming it?
This is your greatest challenge
But this is also your greatest joy!
This is your God-given task
This is your book
This is your truth
This is your song
This is you and this is what you’ve always wanted to do!