There are some wounds that never seem to fully heal through the years. We may discover them. We may understand what caused them. We may truly learn what they are and how they affect our lives. But achieving complete healing is quite another matter.
It is true, there may be times when we may feel the pain is lessened, even gone, only to be triggered yet again, reminding us that the process of healing goes on, and the wound is deeper than we thought it was.
Let us not lose hope however. There will be a time for healing as there has been a time for pain. In God’s perfect timing, all wounds shall be completely healed; all sorrows shall turn to joy. And while the time has not yet arrived, we are given hope; we are given the strength to bear the pain.
And sometimes, even the pain becomes a gift, because with it, we are able to understand others more. With it, we become a people of compassion and of mercy, and we are able to help one another; comforting one another’s sorrows, and bearing one another’s pain.