Words of Wisdom

Finding Dreams and Miracles


What is life without being able to dream? To dream is to be able to live beyond one’s present problems and limitations. It is to be able to hope and to believe that there is something greater out there that can still bless our lives. Great dreams bring us great happiness. They are the seeds that can grow to be great miracles!

“You’re something between a dream and a miracle.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Words of Wisdom

Walk Without Getting Tired


I am not one who never runs out of energy. The fact is, I often tire easily after a long walk. I easily run out of breath and wonder how long the journey should be. I’m just glad that in the journey of life, God gives us the strength to carry on when our strength isn’t enough anymore. Just when we think we’re running out of strength, He renews us and helps us carry on.

“To walk is an art…To walk is the art of looking at the horizon, thinking about where I want to go but also enduring the fatigue. And many times, the walk is difficult, it is not easy… There is darkness… even days of failure… one falls… But always think this: do not be afraid of failure. Do not be afraid of falling. In the art of walking, what is important is not avoiding the fall but not remaining fallen. Get up quickly, continue on, and go…” –POPE FRANCIS

Words of Wisdom

We Begin With a Dream


They say that action is what makes dreams come true, and so it is. But let us begin where we must all begin. We begin with a dream, a dream we make with our hearts. After a dream is born, our mind can tell us if it’s worth to try. If it’s worth it, we finally use our hands and act upon our dreams.

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau

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I Dream of a Better World
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Words of Wisdom

Seeing With One’s Heart


There comes a time when you cannot plan. A time when you thought you’ve already tried everything and still the answer doesn’t come. So you feel trapped, not because there is no longer any way out but because you cannot see the way. How do you see the way? When you can’t find the path through your mind’s eyes, try to seek it through the hope in your heart.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller

Words of Wisdom

Wounds That Never Heal


There are some wounds that never seem to fully heal through the years. We may discover them. We may understand what caused them. We may truly learn what they are and how they affect our lives. But achieving complete healing is quite another matter.

It is true, there may be times when we may feel the pain is lessened, even gone, only to be triggered yet again, reminding us that the process of healing goes on, and the wound is deeper than we thought it was.

Let us not lose hope however. There will be a time for healing as there has been a time for pain. In God’s perfect timing, all wounds shall be completely healed; all sorrows shall turn to joy. And while the time has not yet arrived, we are given hope; we are given the strength to bear the pain.

And sometimes, even the pain becomes a gift, because with it, we are able to understand others more. With it, we become a people of compassion and of mercy, and we are able to help one another; comforting one another’s sorrows, and bearing one another’s pain.