Words of Wisdom

Does God Pray? What Is The Secret to Answered Prayers?

does god pray 2012When God Prays

Have you ever wondered what kind of prayer God would ever pray? You heard it right, we’re talking about God’s prayer, and you’re definitely not reading an article from an atheist, but from a sinner who truly believes in the Living God. I believe in God. I believe He listens to our every prayer. But the real question is, do we ever listen when God prays?

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Secret To Answered Prayers

What is the secret to answered prayers? Will God answer my prayers?

The Bible has a very simple guide on how we should pray:

Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not… ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea, it shall be done. – Matthew 21:21
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Words of Wisdom

What is Intimacy?

what is intimacy 2012Intimacy doesn’t start with melting into another person’s being.

It starts with knowing who you are and being the whole person you are. After which, you are ready to lay bare your soul before another person.

When that person sees all of who you are and accepts you and loves every little bit of you, then you begin to know what closeness really means.

You finally experience intimacy.

Words of Wisdom

Why a Complaining Spirit Offends God

why a complaining spirit offends God 2012A complaining spirit often offends God. Why?

“We remember the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt. And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic we wanted. But now our appetites are gone. All we ever see is this manna!” (Numbers 11:5-6)

Let us remember that this happened after God was able to successfully lead them out of Egypt, after all the miraculous signs performed through Moses, even after the parting of the sea!

How could these people forget what God has done for them? And how could they not remember how miserable they were in Egypt? All that they could think about at that moment was food, the kind of food they used to have. Have they already forgotten their slavery in the hands of the Pharaoh?

But are we any better then? Given the same situation, wouldn’t we be the same ones to complain?

What the Israelites experienced was CHANGE. No doubt they were in a bad situation. But even miserable situations could be seen as better and more comfortable than uncertainties of a new life God was leading them to.

It wasn’t easy adjusting to a new life. For them, it sometimes felt easier to be slaves again, free from all the uncertainties they’ve experienced since they left Egypt.

Such is the challenge of everyone seeking a change in life. Even if one knows something has to be done to find a better life, it isn’t easy to leave the old life behind. When little signs of discomfort or frustration comes into view, it is so easy to complain.

Complaining then is a sign of resistance to change. It is a sign of unwillingness to let go of the past and accept the better life God is giving you.

Words of Wisdom

The True Meaning of Acceptance

the true meaning of acceptance 2012

Acceptance is not defeat or giving up. On the contrary, acceptance yields a certain kind of strength, a strength that is closely related to love.  It is this kind of acceptance that brings a deep and sweet kind of peace to the soul, knowing you are not afraid anymore of whatever may happen.  When you find this peace, you’d have found courage indeed.  You’d have found a love that knows no fear!

“Sometimes, acceptance is not cowardice, but courage.”

See also “Acceptance is the Secret Key to Happiness and Success” (click here)

Words of Wisdom

Angels In Our Midst

angels in our midst 2012

I feel happy whenever I remember the blessings God had given me in many of my travels. I used to work as a field auditor, and I was able to travel a lot in many parts of the country, even in the remotest of places I’d never thought I’d be able to go to.

I’ve met a lot of people along the way, and I’ve seen many things that were new to me. But one thing remained constant. Wherever I went, God has provided for everything my friends and I ever needed. There were always good people who lent us a helping hand, people who hardly knew us, yet bestowed upon us the kind of trust and assistance given only to close family and friends.

I could still remember the people who accompanied us in our journey, those who gave us blankets for the night, those who helped us find a place to sleep in when the money we have was not enough, and yes, I can still remember the old couple who took us in as though we were their very own children.

Some people say that the world is already filled with so many harsh and cruel people who can’t wait to harm you or steal from you.

But I can truly say that there are still many good people around us, God-sent angels who help us lift our burdens and make this journey a whole lot happier and worthwhile. 🙂