There are things you thought could make you happy. You looked up to it and focused your whole attention into it. You devoted all your waking hours and your sleepless nights. You pursued it no matter how difficult it has become. You held on to it only to find out that the end of your journey, it would never give you the fruits you have desired for so long. You have striven so much only to be disappointed in the end.
On the other hand, there are things that came gently and unannounced, made its way slowly into your heart and unexpectedly brought you warmth, joy and hope. Things that changed your life. Things that touched your heart and soul until you found yourself welling up with tears, being truly happy from the bottom of your heart.
In this life, we often tend to hold on too much to things that only disappoint us in the end. Learn also the art of gentleness and openness. Who knows what wonders await you if you are willing to receive such blessings within your heart?